Investigating the Impact of Local Identity in Urban Development Plans
Subject Areas : Urban Management Studiesshima ghamari 1 , Seyed Mousa Pourmousavi 2
1 - student
2 - ostad
Keywords: Identity, social identity, Urban Management, urban development plans,
Abstract :
In this paper, the effect of social identity on urban development projects documents has been considered. Creating social identity through human and natural symbols in cities One of the important issues in urban management is considered as one of the necessities of sustainable development. The methodology of the research in this study is based on the purpose of the study and the method of study according to the method and nature of descriptive-analytical and field studies. The statistical population of this research is urban managers and experts related to social identity of the city. The research validity of factor analysis and elite opinion has been used and the reliability has been calculated by Krone Bach's alpha test. The Krone-Bach Alpha coefficient calculated for this questionnaire is at an acceptable level of 0.472. In the descriptive statistics section, the demographic characteristics and the inferential analysis section, according to the output of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, a single-variable T-test for the hypothesis has been used because of the normality of confirming or rejecting the research hypotheses. It should be noted that analyzes were performed using SPSS software. Findings of the research indicate that social identity has no significant effect on the documents of the urban development programs, and according to the average obtained, which is higher than the average observed, indicates that the social identity status is higher than the average effective.
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