Today Situation and Barriers of Iran Rural Management-Case Study: Gargan Rood District in Talesh Township
Subject Areas : Geopolitic
Aeizh Azmi
Bahram Imani
Fardin Nosrati
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2 - ندارد
3 - ندارد
Keywords: rural management, Garcan Rood District, Managers,
Abstract :
Rural management in Iran confront of many variety from past to today. Thereforethere are many experiences in rural management. But these varieties have someproblems. Therefore, for studying of problems and barriers of Iran rural management،this paper does for analyzing today situation and barriers of Iran rural management.Investigative method was descriptive and used from questionnaire for collecting data.Sample amount was 50 and questionnaires distribute in managers. Software was SPSS.Results say that finance recourses، none orchestrate among managers، localparliament، people and little teaching is key problems in rural management. Importantproblem in rural management is government although authority of managers isenough. By assumption test we understand that rural management confront of theseproblems:a) Islamic rural parliament has problems of credits that it is essential thatgovernment helps them,b) Knowledge and level of degree in managers and members of Islamic ruralparliament is little, therefore it is essential that government establish course for themthat it is include academic teaching and none academic (professional) course andmembers ofc) Unfortunately, there are not relationship among rural people, rural managers andIslamic rural parliament. It cause produce much problems for aim of rural managing.Facilitators and promoters can helps to resolving this problem.d), rural managers and Islamic rural parliament confront of many problems aboutself institute. It is related to law and its problems that it is essential that law change.This paper shows that current situation of rural managing is weak and it is essentialthat it improve. This paper shows that power of rural managers and Islamic ruralparliament is low. Therefore it is essential that government resign some its power tothem. This paper shows that rural people are satisfaction from rural managers andIslamic rural parliament; although they think that there are some problems that it mustresolve.