Informal settlement in the city of Ghom Case of study in shadgholi
Subject Areas : Geopoliticرحمت اله Farhoodi 1 , عطیه سادات Saberi 2
1 - ندارد
2 - ندارد
Keywords: Informal settlement, Informal Sector, City of Ghom, Shadgholi,
Abstract :
Informal settlement in the city of Ghom (Case of study in shadgholi) is the themeof this paper.Shadgholi was a village in the west of Ghom and it is a district in Ghom.The scientific methods of this study are comprised of the desk and the surveyresearches.These consequences are:- Rural migration to adjacent district had Shadgholi joined the informal settlement ofGhom- Immigrants in Shadgholi are (fifteen percent) the less because they (Khalaj) aresaving the lands for male children. Their male children will need an individualhousing to have their own married life.- The first priority in Shadgholi is Informal Sector Employment