Morphotectonic Investigation of Khoy Region based on Morphometry Indexes
Subject Areas : Geopolitic
Saeideh Mirhoseinan
1 - هیات علمی دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد خوی
2 - گروه زمین شناسی (تکتونیک)، واحد خوی، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، خوی، ایران
Keywords: Khoy thrust fault, Neotectonical activities, Strike slip fault", "Morphometry Indexes,
Abstract :
The study area from Sedimentary-structurl Units of Iran is located in Khoy ophiolite zone and Alborz- Azarbayjan zone. Studied area is in northwest Khoy between 44° 30´ E and 45˚00´E longitudes and 38° 30' N and 39˚ 00´ N latitudes. This research uses calculation of morphotectonic indexes to study effects of active range boundary within range faults in study area on drainage pattern and river streams. Using the results of calculating some morphotectonical index in combinations with other data types, neotectonical activities rate is determined in some selected basinsKey words: Morphometry Indexes, Neotectonical activities, Khoy thrust fault, Strike slip fault