The Concept of Walayat according to Agha Mohammad Reza Ghomshehi
Subject Areas : Philosophy
1 - ندارد
Keywords: Walayat, General Walayat, Specific Walayat,
Abstract :
The Present study is based on the concept of Walayat in IslamicMysticism according to Agha Hakim Sahba, Mohammad RezaGhomshehi. Hakim Sahba, as the representative of thoreticalMysticism is an interpreter of Mulla Sadra's Doctirin.The study attempts to evaluate, the meaning of Walayat from thestandpoint of Islamic Mysticism and its division in to General Walayatand Specific Walayat, which is Particularly attributed to The HolyProphet (Peace be upon him) and His Household generation,Moreover, the ranks of walayat and the End of walayat, which in ourtime, is assigned to Hazrat- e- Basiyyat Allih al- 'Azam, are Presentedaccording to Agha Mohammad Reza Ghomshehi:The ideas of Ibn al Arabi about Walayat and Agha MohammadReza Ghomshehi's Criticism on Allameh Qaysari's interlpretation ofIbn al- Arabi's attitudes Concerning the End of Walayat are then beingdiscussed. The article concludes that Jesus Christ (peace be upon him)is the end of Mohammadian General Walayat and Amir- al- Mu'menīnAli Ibn Abitaleb (peace be upon him) is the end of MohammadianAbsolute Walayat