Designing the Pattern of Cultural Capital Development in the Family Irani
Subject Areas : Journal of Iranian Social Development Studies
Peymaneh Asgari
Fatemeh Farahani
Seyed Reza Salehi Amiri
1 - Ph.D. Student
2 - Assistant Professor
3 - Associate Professor
Keywords: cultural capital, Cultural Capital Development, family,
Abstract :
Cultural capital is a relatively new concept that today is known as a factor in sustainable development. Due to the importance of the family institution in the Iranian society and the cultural changes of this institution, which influences cultural development, the development of cultural capital of the family as one of the most important social institutions can have significant effects on the development and promotion of the culture of Iranian society, and this positive development, the path to development Facilitate sustainability. This article has been prepared in conjunction with the research design of the model for the development of cultural capital of the family and its purpose is applicable and in terms of information gathering, descriptive survey. The conceptual model of the research was tested by a questionnaire among 30 experts. Data were analyzed using SPSS 32 software and inferential statistics of PLS software. The results of the research, after analyzing the structural factor, confirmed the relationship between 10 components of the 13 components in the conceptual model. Accordingly, the component of social interactions, the highest rank in creating changes in cultural capital of the family. This research identifies the value of each of the independent variables in the present and desired situation and can provide a ground for cultural policies in the family. The importance of the component of the democratic family, the highest and the component of cultural participation, has earned the lowest rating in terms of family-friendly conditions.
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- Salehi Amiri, Seyyed Reza (2007). Concepts and cultural theories. Tehran: Phoenix Publication, pp. 64-59.
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- Wildhagen, T. (2009a). WHY DOES CULTURAL CAPITAL MATTER FOR HIGH SCHOOL ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE? An Empirical Assessment of Teacher-Selection and Self-Selection Mechanisms as Explanations of the Cultural Capital Effect. Sociological Quarterly, 50, 173–200. doi:10.1111/j.1533-8525.2008.01137.x
- Yaish, M., & Katz-Gerro, T. (2010). Disentangling “Cultural Capital”: The Consequences of Cultural and Economic Resources for Taste and Participation. European Sociological Review. doi:10.1093/esr/jcq056.
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- Anderson, Delorth; Linda M. Burton; David M. Klein (1393). Modern and emerging theories in family studies. In Family Encyclopedia. Editing of Wayne L Bangstone; Ellen S. Eck Catherine Allen and Peggy Dilworth Anderson. Translated by Alya Shakrobihi and Shahla Mehrghani. Tehran: Sociologists. Pp. 174-93.
- Association for Family therapy & Systematic practice (on line) Index of Family Function and Change. Using the SCORE 15,
- Blaskó, Z. (2003). ’Cultural Capital and Social Reproduction’. Review of Sociology of the Hungarian Sociological Association, 9(1), 5–26.
- Bourdieu, P. (2007). The Forms of Capital. In J. G. Richardson (Ed.). Handbook of Theory and Research for Sociology of Education. New York: Greenwood Press.
- Bourdieu, P. (2014). Distinction: A Social Critique of theJudgemant of Taste. London: Routledge.
- Bourdieu, P., & Passeron, J. C. (1990). Reproduction in education, society, and culture (Vol. 4). Sage Publications Ltd.
- Cheng, S.-W. (2006). Cultural goods creation, cultural capital formation, provision of cultural services and cultural atmosphere accumulation. Journal of Cultural Economics, 30, 263–286. doi:10.1007/s10824-006-9023-6
- Clarke, P., & Eastgate, A. (2011). Cultural capital, Life Course Perspectives and Western Front battlefield tours. Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change, 9, 31–44. doi:10.1080/14766825.2010.527346
- Council of Europe, 2010
- DiMaggio, P. (2004). Arts participation as cultural capital in the United States, 1982–2002: Signs of decline? Poetics, 32, 169–194. doi:10.1016/j.poetic.2004.02.005
- Dumais, S.A. (2002). Cultural capital, gender, and school success: The role of habitus. Sociology of Education, 44–68.
- Egerton, M. (1997). Occupational Inheritance: The Role of Cultural Capital and Gender. Work,
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- Fanning, B., Haase, T., & O’Boyle, N. (2010). Well-being, Cultural Capital and Social Inclusion: Immigrants in the Republic of Ireland. Journal of International Migration and Integration / Revue de l’integration et de la migration internationale, 12, 1–24. doi:10.1007/s12134-010-0166-0
- Findlay, A. M., King, R., Smith, F. M., Geddes, A., & Skeldon, R. (2011). World class? An investigation of globalisation, difference and international student mobility. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, no–no. doi:10.1111/j.1475-5661.2011.00454.x
- Ghaffari, Gholamreza (2008), "Structural Fundamentals of Cultural Capital and Its Generating Resources", Social Sciences Development, Vol. 12, No. 2: 21-12.
- Ghanei Rad, Seyed Mohammad Amin (2017). The decline of the paternity, the collapse of the family, or the emergence of a civilian family. Tehran: Publication of criticism of culture, pp. 18-12.
- Jaeger, M. M. (2009). Equal Access but Unequal Outcomes: Cultural Capital and Educational Choice in a Meritocratic Society. Social Forces, 87, 1943–1971. doi:10.1353/sof.0.0192
- Johnson, J. H., Bienenstock, E. J., & Stoloff, J. A. (1995). An empirical test of the cultural capital hypothesis. The Review of Black Political Economy, 23, 7–27. doi:10.1007/BF02689909
- Kapitzke, C. (2000). Information technology as cultural capital: shifting the boundaries of power. Education and Information Technologies, 5(1), 49–62.
- Kesel, Phillip. (2008). Anthony Giddens Works, Second Edition, Hassan Chavashian Translation. Tehran: Phoenix Publishing.
- Kuly, Michelle, Stewart, Etoile, & Dudley, Michael. (2005). Enhancing Cultural Capital: The Arts and Community Development in 33-38. Article
- Lane, Jeremy F. (2006) Bourdieu's Politics Problems and possibilities. First Published. Landon and New York.Routledge.
- Lareau, A. (2003c). Unequal childhoods: Race, class, and family life. Berkeley: University of California Press.
- Linnehan, F., Weer, C. H., & Stonely, P. (2011). High School Guidance Counselor Recommendations: The Role of Student Race, Socioeconomic Status, and Academic Performance. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 41(3), 536–558.
- Low, S. (2008). Investing in cultural capital: A partnership enhancing transition for equity students.
- Marks, G. N. (2009). The Influence of Cultural Capital on Educational and Early Labour Market Outcomes of Young People in Australia. In K. Robson & C. Sanders (Eds.), Quantifying Theory: Pierre Bourdieu (pp. 89–103). Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands. Retrieved from
- Mortimer, J., & Krüger, H. (2006). Pathways from school to work in Germany and the United States. Handbook of the Sociology of Education, 475–497. -Myrberg, E., & Rosén, M. (2009). Direct and indirect effects of parents’ education on reading achievement among third graders in Sweden. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 79, 695–711. doi:10.1348/000709909X453031
- Phillips, R., & Shockley, G. (2010). Linking Cultural Capital Conceptions to Asset-Based Community Development. Mobilizing communites: asset building as a community development strategy, 92.
- Ranjbar, Mahmood (2005). Article incompatible family. Trial of social harm. Tehran
- Retrieved November 26, 2011, from
- Rupp, J. C. C., & Lange, R. (1989). Social order, cultural capital and citizenship*. The Sociological Review, 37, 668–705. doi:10.1111/j.1467954X.1989.tb00049.x
- Salehi Amiri, Seyyed Reza (2007). Concepts and cultural theories. Tehran: Phoenix Publication, pp. 64-59.
- Saroukhani, Bagher (2001) Comes to the Encyclopedia of Social Sciences, J 1 & 2, Tehran: Kayhan Publications
- Sasaki, M. (2010). Urban regeneration through cultural creativity and social inclusion: Rethinking creative city theory through a Japanese case study. Cities, 27, S3–S9.
- Sharipour Mahmood (2005). Social capital and its role in social and economic life. Quarterly Journal of Social Science Education, Vol. 41, p. 10.
- Stuber, J. M. (2009). Class, Culture, and Participation in the Collegiate ExtraCurriculum. Sociological Forum, 24, 877–900. doi:10.1111/j.15737861.2009.01140.x
- Taylor، P (1997)" Investigating Culture and Identity"، London: Collins، quoted in، Communication Studies: The essential Resource، Cultural، Communication and Context، pp. 199-200.
- Throsby, C. D. (2001). Economics and culture. Cambridge Univ Pr. Tramonte, L., & Willms, J. D. (2010). Cultural capital and its effects on education outcomes. Economics of Education Review, 29(2), 200–213. doi:10.1016/j.econedurev.2009.06.003
- UNESCO, ORG. (n.d.). Selection Criteria. Retrieved December 9, 2011, from file:///D:/backup/cultural%20capital%202/cc2/Selection%20Criteria%20UNES CO%20%20%2016.htm
- Waldron, L. M. (2009). Cultural Approaches to Understanding School Violence. Sociology Compass, 3(4), 595–615. doi:10.1111/j.1751-9020.2009.00222.x
- Weininger, E.B., & Lareau, A. (2007). Cultural 21-23. Blackwell Publishing.
- Wildhagen, T. (2009a). WHY DOES CULTURAL CAPITAL MATTER FOR HIGH SCHOOL ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE? An Empirical Assessment of Teacher-Selection and Self-Selection Mechanisms as Explanations of the Cultural Capital Effect. Sociological Quarterly, 50, 173–200. doi:10.1111/j.1533-8525.2008.01137.x
- Yaish, M., & Katz-Gerro, T. (2010). Disentangling “Cultural Capital”: The Consequences of Cultural and Economic Resources for Taste and Participation. European Sociological Review. doi:10.1093/esr/jcq056.