The role of social institutions in the sustainable development of agriculture Case study: (agricultural bank of Ilam province)
Subject Areas : Journal of Iranian Social Development Studies
morteza rostami
marjan vahedi
mohamad bagher arayesh
Roya Eshraghi Samani
1 - PhD Student in Agricultural Extension and Education, Islamic Azad University, Ilam Unit, Ilam, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor of Agricultral Extension and Education), Ilam branch, Islamic Azad University, Ilam, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor of Agricultral Extension and Education), Ilam branch, Islamic Azad University, Ilam, Iran
4 - Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Agriculture, Azad University, Ilam Branch
Keywords: agricultural bank, : Social Institutions, Sustainable,
Abstract :
The purpose of this study is to investigate the role of social institutions in sustainable agricultural development. . For this purpose, 42 experts, managers and implementers of agricultural projects were selected as the study sample and the required information was collected through questionnaires distributed among them. In order to analyze the data obtained from structural equation modeling, the partial least squares method was used by PLS statistical software and the results of the conceptual model fit indices indicate the appropriate fit of the measurement model, structural and It was a general model of research. All hypotheses related to the factors affecting the sustainable development of agriculture were confirmed. The validity of the research was confirmed using a panel of experts, project implementers, professors and its reliability using Cronbach's alpha, combined reliability, convergent validity and convergent validity. The results showed that causal factors (education-comprehensive planning), central category (economic conditions), intervention factors (policy-judicial-climate), underlying factors (government-infrastructure), strategies (Banking regulations) affect the sustainable development of agriculture (collection of loans), and the productive root of a comprehensive pattern of collection of loans in the agricultural sector is economic factors, based on which farmers' incomes are affected. With the increase of farmers' incomes and coherent planning for the repayment of agricultural loans and the implementation of the necessary and efficient infrastructure by the government, the proper implementation of appropriate methods and methodology for receiving loans in the agricultural sector will be provided.