The effective factors on cultural elits tendency to migration to developed country.
Subject Areas : Journal of Iranian Social Development StudiesSEYEDKHALIL HOSSEINI 1 , Habib Saburi Khosroshahi 2 , Saeed Madani 3
1 - Depatment of Tehran customs
2 - Faculty of sociology department of Azad university branch of Teharan east .
3 - Faculty of university of center of Tehran.
Keywords: cultural elites, Immigrant attitude, pull and push,
Abstract :
Immigration of cultural elites to developed countries has always been important issues in society of Iran. This research is designed to study the attitude of cultural elites for immigration to developed countries. The theoretical framework based on “Pull and Push” theory. This study tries to examine the theory in four aspects including economic, political, social and cultural dimensions of immigrant motivations. The methodology of the research is mixed of quantitative and qualitative methods. The statistical sample covered professors, PH.D and M.A students of universities of Tehran and 405 cases has been chosen as a sample size from universities. In addition, 30 cases are selected for deep interview for qualitative method as well. The finding shows attitude of cultural elites are related to all four aspects of immigrant motivations. The cases evaluated the developed countries for immigration has been evaluated appropriate and besides their country of origin has been evaluated inappropriate situation. It hints the theory of pull and push as a suitable explanation of immigrant elites. The multiple coefficient certainty explained 23 percent variances of cultural elite attitudes as a dependent variable.
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- Bang, J. T & M. (2011). Brain Drain Institutions of Governmence: Educational Attainment of Immigrants to the US 1988-1998. Economic Systems. Vol. 35. NO. 3. PP. 335-354.
- Benedict, O. H. & W .I.UKPERE. (2012). Brain Drain and Development: Any Possible Gain from the Drain? African Journal of Business Management. VOL. 6. No. &. PP. 2421- 2428.
- Bourhis, Richard Y. & L & others (1997), "Towards and Interactive Acculturation Model: A Social Psychological Approach", International Journal of Psychology, Vol. 32, No. 6, pp. 369-386.
- De Hass, H. (2010). Migration transitions: A theoretical and empirical in quiry into the developmental drivers of international migration.
- Giddens, A. (1994) Living in a post traditional society, in U. Retlexive modernization, Politics. Tradition and aesthetic in the modern social order, Cambridge. Polity Press /
- Lahsaee Zadeh, A. (1989); Statements on immigration, Shiraz University (In Persian).
- Lee Evert (1996); Immigration Laws (Immigration theories), translated by B. Zaree. Navid Publication (In Persian)
- Lee, E. & M. Moon. (2013). Korean Nursing student’s Intention to Migrate Abroad. Nurse Education Today, in press.
- Lee, S. (1966). A therapy of Migration. Demography. Available at www. Elsevier. Com
- Leskroof. G. (1969); Hunt and escape of brains , sokhan Journal (in Persian)
- Mc Ausland, C. & P. Kuhn. (2010). bidding for Brains: Intellectual Property Rights and the International Migration of Knowledge workers. IZA Discussion Papers. No. 4936.
- Ngoma, A. L. & N. W. Ismail. (2013). The Determinants of Brain Drain in Developing countries. International Journal of Social Economics. VOL. 40. Iss: 8. PP. 744 – 754.
- Oudenhoven, John Pieter Van & Colleen Ward & Anne-Marie Masgoret (2006), "Patterns of Relations Between Immigrants and Host Societies", International Journal of Intercultural Relations, Vol. 30, pp. 637-651.
- Panahi, R. (2012). Factors Affecting Brain Drain from Iran. Journal of Basic and Applied Science scientific Research. VOL .2. NO. 3. PP. 3003 – 3015.
- Payk, “Iran ranks first in brain drain amonge LDC”, 26 Dec 2001.
- Ribeiro, J. S; C. Conceicao; J. Pereira; C. Leone; P. Mendonca: M. Temido; C. P. Vieira & G. Dussault. (2013). Health Professional Moving to … and from Portugal. Health Policy, In Press.
- See E. S. Lee, "A Theory of Migration", Demography, (1966), pp. 47-57; and M. P. Todaro, "A Model of Labor Migration and Urban Unemployment in Less Developed Countries, American Economic Review, 59 (1969), pp. 138-148.
- See O. Stark and D. Bloom, "The New Economics of Labor Migration", American Economic Review, 75 (1985), pp. 173-178.
- Stark. Oded, (2002); The Economics of Brain Drain Turned of Its Head, University of Vienna and University of Bonna, Center for Development Research, Paper NO, 100 (May 2002).
- World bank (1995), Word Development Report 1995, Washington D.C, U.S.A.
- آنتونی گیدنز،(1374)، نظریات جامعه شناسی معاصر، ترجمه منوچهر صبوری، تهران: نشر نی.
- ارشاد، فرهنگ (1386)، "مبانی نظری فرار مغزها بر حسب شکل های مختلف آن در شرایط کنونی" نامه انجمن جامعه مهندسی ایران 5
- جعفری معطر ،فریدون(1387)؛مهاجرت نخبگان ،انتشارات موسسه تحقیقات و توسعه علوم انسانی ،چاپ اول: تهران،انتشارات کویر.
- حاتمی ، علی ؛ جهانگیر جهانگیری و سجاد فتاحی. (1391). بررسی عوامل مرتبط با گرایش دختران تحصیلکرده به مهاجرت به خارج از کشور؛. زن و جامعه. سال سوم. شماره دوم.
- خسرو سلجوقی،(1379) مهاجرت نخبگان علل و راهکارها، انتشارات سازمان مدیریت و برنامه ریزی،
- ذاکر صالحی، غلامرضا (1383) دانشگاه ایرانی (درآمدی بر جامعه شناسی آموزش عالی) ، چاپ اول، تهران : کویر.
- شکرایی، مسعود (1379) دلایل مهاجرت ایرانیان به خارج از کشور و اثرات آن بر اقتصاد ملّی، تهران، مرکز ملی اسناد ایران.
- صالحی عمران، ابراهیم (1385) بررسی نگرش اعضای هیئت علمی نسبت به علل مهاجرت نخبگان به خارج از کشور، مطالعه در دانشگاه مازندران.
- طالبی زیدی، عباس علی و جمشید رضایی. (1388). بررسی علل مهاجرت نخبگان دانشگاهی از مازندران طی سالهای 1370 تا 1380. فصلنامه مدیریت. سال ششم، شماره 16.
- طایفی، علی (1378) ؛ "فرار مغزها یا شکار مغزها"، مجموعه مقالات سمینار بررسی مسائل، مشکلات و چشم انداز اشتغال دانش آموختگان آموزش عالی در ایران، جهاد دانشگاهی، تهران.
- طایفی، علی (1380) علل خروج نیروهای متخصص از کشور و راهکارهای کاهش آن، تهران، مؤسسه پژوهش و برنامه ریزی آموزش عالی وزارت علوم و تحقیقات و فن آوری
- طایفی، علی (1381)، "بررسی خروج نخبگان از کشور" هفته نامه تحلیلی برنامه ، شماره 9.
- عسگری، حشمتُ الله؛ مهدی تقوی؛ منوچهر عسگری و عباس شاکری. (1387). بررسی علل فرارمغزها از کشورهای درحال توسعه به کشورهای OECD در قالب مدل جاذبه. فصلنامه اقتصاد مقداری (بررسی های اقتصادی سابق). دوره پنجم. شماره 2.
- فرتوک زاده، حمیدرضا و حسین اشراقی. (1387). مدل سازی دینامیکی.
- لهستایی زاده, عبدالعلی (1368) نظریات مهاجرت، نوید، شیراز.
- مدرسی، یحیی (1393) زبان و مهاجرت، تهران، پژوهشگاه علوم انسانی و مطالعات فرهنگی.
- مقدس ،علی اصغر زکیه شرفی(1388)بررسی عوامل برانگیزنده گرایش به مهاجرت های بین المللی جوانان 30-18 ساله شهرهای شیراز و ارسنجان.مجله جامعه شناسی ایران .شماره 10
- نراقی، یوسف (1384) متخصصان مهاجر و ویترین جذب، ماهنامه اجتماعی، فرهنگی، علمی نگاه نو - شماره 6.
- Bang, J. T & M. (2011). Brain Drain Institutions of Governmence: Educational Attainment of Immigrants to the US 1988-1998. Economic Systems. Vol. 35. NO. 3. PP. 335-354.
- Benedict, O. H. & W .I.UKPERE. (2012). Brain Drain and Development: Any Possible Gain from the Drain? African Journal of Business Management. VOL. 6. No. &. PP. 2421- 2428.
- Bourhis, Richard Y. & L & others (1997), "Towards and Interactive Acculturation Model: A Social Psychological Approach", International Journal of Psychology, Vol. 32, No. 6, pp. 369-386.
- De Hass, H. (2010). Migration transitions: A theoretical and empirical in quiry into the developmental drivers of international migration.
- Giddens, A. (1994) Living in a post traditional society, in U. Retlexive modernization, Politics. Tradition and aesthetic in the modern social order, Cambridge. Polity Press /
- Lahsaee Zadeh, A. (1989); Statements on immigration, Shiraz University (In Persian).
- Lee Evert (1996); Immigration Laws (Immigration theories), translated by B. Zaree. Navid Publication (In Persian)
- Lee, E. & M. Moon. (2013). Korean Nursing student’s Intention to Migrate Abroad. Nurse Education Today, in press.
- Lee, S. (1966). A therapy of Migration. Demography. Available at www. Elsevier. Com
- Leskroof. G. (1969); Hunt and escape of brains , sokhan Journal (in Persian)
- Mc Ausland, C. & P. Kuhn. (2010). bidding for Brains: Intellectual Property Rights and the International Migration of Knowledge workers. IZA Discussion Papers. No. 4936.
- Ngoma, A. L. & N. W. Ismail. (2013). The Determinants of Brain Drain in Developing countries. International Journal of Social Economics. VOL. 40. Iss: 8. PP. 744 – 754.
- Oudenhoven, John Pieter Van & Colleen Ward & Anne-Marie Masgoret (2006), "Patterns of Relations Between Immigrants and Host Societies", International Journal of Intercultural Relations, Vol. 30, pp. 637-651.
- Panahi, R. (2012). Factors Affecting Brain Drain from Iran. Journal of Basic and Applied Science scientific Research. VOL .2. NO. 3. PP. 3003 – 3015.
- Payk, “Iran ranks first in brain drain amonge LDC”, 26 Dec 2001.
- Ribeiro, J. S; C. Conceicao; J. Pereira; C. Leone; P. Mendonca: M. Temido; C. P. Vieira & G. Dussault. (2013). Health Professional Moving to … and from Portugal. Health Policy, In Press.
- See E. S. Lee, "A Theory of Migration", Demography, (1966), pp. 47-57; and M. P. Todaro, "A Model of Labor Migration and Urban Unemployment in Less Developed Countries, American Economic Review, 59 (1969), pp. 138-148.
- See O. Stark and D. Bloom, "The New Economics of Labor Migration", American Economic Review, 75 (1985), pp. 173-178.
- Stark. Oded, (2002); The Economics of Brain Drain Turned of Its Head, University of Vienna and University of Bonna, Center for Development Research, Paper NO, 100 (May 2002).
- World bank (1995), Word Development Report 1995, Washington D.C, U.S.A.