Designing the pattern of cultural capital development in the family.
Subject Areas : Journal of Iranian Social Development Studies
Peymaneh Asgari
Fatemeh Farahany
Mehrdad Navabakhsh
Reza Salehiamiri
1 - Department cultural managment, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research of Branch , Tehran, Iran.
2 - Department cultural managment, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research of Branch , Tehran, Iran
3 - Department of social science, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research of Branch , Tehran, Iran.
4 - Department cultural managment, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research of Branch , Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Cultural Capital Development, cultural capital, family,
Abstract :
Cultural capital is a relatively new concept that today is known as a factor in sustainable development. Due to the importance of the family institution in the Iranian society and the cultural changes of this institution, which influences cultural development, the development of cultural capital of the family as one of the most important social institutions can have significant effects on the development and promotion of the culture of Iranian society, and this positive development, the path to development Facilitate sustainability.This article has been prepared in conjunction with the research design of the model for the development of cultural capital of the family and its purpose is applicable and in terms of information gathering, descriptive survey. The conceptual model of the research was tested by a questionnaire among 30 experts. Data were analyzed using SPSS 32 software and inferential statistics of PLS software. The results of the research, after analyzing the structural factor, confirmed the relationship between 10 components of the 13 components in the conceptual model.Accordingly, the component of social interactions, the highest rank in creating changes in cultural capital of the family. This research identifies the value of each of the independent variables in the present and desired situation and can provide a ground for cultural policies in the family. The importance of the component of the democratic family, the highest and the component of cultural participation, has earned the lowest rating in terms of family-friendly conditions.