Guilan role in Iran and Russia cultural relations
Subject Areas : Journal of Cultural Management
1 - Guilan role in iran and russia cultural relations
Keywords: iran and russiya culture, Scientific exchange, guilan and russiya, cultural relations,
Abstract :
Introduction and objectives: Culture or the cultural affinities, are nowadays rather an important way to shape the international relationships between countries. Investigation on such an issue would be helpful in order to establish good relation with other societies. Iran and Russia face each other on the Caspian Sea. Gilan as the border region of Iran shares various cultural legacies with Russia. These legacies that have been created during last five centuries can create a lot of opportunities in order to take initiatives in their future affairs. This paper aims to exploit the role of Gilan in the future of Iran-Russia relationship. Method: the author makes use of a series of bibliographical, descriptive and analytical data. Therefore, the use of historical documentation, the current events as well as the statistical data become essential for the development of this paper. Finding: the study of cultural and economic capabilities of the region, points out how the historic background of Gilan province with Russia can give rise to new perspectives on Iran-Russia relationship. Results: the cultural and economic capabilities of Gilan Province have never been taken into account seriously because of special circumstances occurring in related area. In more than five centuries of political and economic enterprises between Gilan province and its overseas Russian counterparts let them to claim that they have enough cultural notions to share with. Above the ethnic similarity there are for example, several common words and expressions that both languages share from each other as well as the North South Transport Corridor (NOSTRAC) that runs from Russia to India through Caspian cost to increases the trade connectivity. Thus we can assert that the Gilan province can have a pivotal role to play through the cultural relations with Russia and help to prepare the ground for strengthening the Iran-Russia relationship.