Identifying the influencing variables on the decision of emergency evacuation of hospitals in critical conditions by thematic analysis method and using MAXQDA software
Subject Areas : Health Management Servicessaeid amjadi 1 , saeed sayak shirkosh 2 , mina jamshidi 3
1 - Department of Public Administration, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - DDepartment of Public Administration, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Department of Educational Management, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: decision making, crisis and crisis situations, crisis management, emergency hospital evacuation,
Abstract :
Introduction: Today, with the increasing development of technology and the expansion of the population, we are witnessing an increase in incidents, accidents and crises. Natural disasters have become a part of the nature of our human environment and depend on many factors, including natural factors and human factors, and as a result, they take on a complex structure that makes combating them very difficult and complicated. The issue is what should be considered by the decision maker in hospital evacuation and what factors are effective in this decision, how these factors are affected after the decision and how these factors are involved in the decision process. Methods: The research method is placed in the developmental category. The library method was used to collect information for the background and literature of the research, after reviewing the subject literature, the interview protocol was compiled, including questions with the aim of knowing the variables influencing decision-making. Then interviews were conducted with the experts who accepted the invitation to the interview. Interviews with 7 experts continued until theoretical saturation. After that, key sentences were extracted, coded and analyzed using thematic analysis method with the 6-step approach of Brown and Clark. MAXQDA and Excel software were used for the analysis. Results: Review of studies and interviews led to the identification of 1156 codes. which was classified into 28 components and 5 dimensions.
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