some results on the forgotten index
Subject Areas : Statistics
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Islamic Azad University, Safadasht Branch, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: درجه راس, شاخص فراموش شده, کران, پایایی گراف,
Abstract :
Let G be a simple connected finite graph. A graph invariant (also known as topological index or molecular descriptor) of graph G is a real number with the property that for every graph H isomorphic to graph G, Top(H) = Top(G). The sum of cubes of vertex degrees of graph G was revived by Furtula and Gutman under the name of forgotten topological index. The Forgotten index F(G) of a simple graph G can also be expressed asF(G)=∑_(uv∈E(G))▒(〖〖〖d_u〗^2+d〗_v〗^2 ) whered_u denotes the degree of the vertex u of G. In this paper, we compare the F-index with some graph parameters such as order, size, radius, minimal vertex degree and maximal vertex degree and some well-known molecular descriptors consisting of first Zagreb index and second Zagreb index, first modified Zagreb index and second modified Zagreb index, Harmonic index, Eccentric connectivity index, hyper-Zagreb index, Geometric-Arithmetic index and inverse sum indeg index.
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