Optical solitons and other solutions of the (2+1)-dimensional Kundu-Mukherjee-Naskar equation
Subject Areas : StatisticsKamyar Hosseini 1 , Mashallah Matinfar 2 , Mohammad Mirzazadeh 3
1 - Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematical Sciences, Mazandaran University, Babolsar, Iran
2 - Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematical Sciences, Mazandaran University, Babolsar, Iran
3 - Department of Engineering Sciences, University of Guilan, East of Guilan, Vajargah, Iran
Keywords: روش های تابع نمایی و ضمنی ژاکوبی, معادله کوندو-موکرجی-ناسکار دوبعدی, تبدیل موج حرکتی, سولیتون های نوری و جواب های دیگر,
Abstract :
The (2+1)-dimensional Kundu-Mukherjee-Naskar (2D-KMN) equation that addresses the propogation of soliton dynamics in optical fiber communication systems is investigated in the present paper. The intended purpose is accomplished by applying a traveling wave hypothesis for reducing the 2D-KMN equation in a 1-dimensional domain and solving the resulting ODE using the exp_a and Jacobi elliptic function methods. As an accomplishment, optical solitons and other solutions of the (2+1)-dimensional Kundu–Mukherjee–Naskar equation are extracted, confirming the outstanding performance of the methods.The (2+1)-dimensional Kundu-Mukherjee-Naskar (2D-KMN) equation that addresses the propogation of soliton dynamics in optical fiber communication systems is investigated in the present paper. The intended purpose is accomplished by applying a traveling wave hypothesis for reducing the 2D-KMN equation in a 1-dimensional domain and solving the resulting ODE using the exp_a and Jacobi elliptic function methods. As an accomplishment, optical solitons and other solutions of the (2+1)-dimensional Kundu–Mukherjee–Naskar equation are extracted, confirming the outstanding performance of the methods.
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