Existence of triple best proximity point for a 3-cyclic summing Meir-Keeler contraction
Subject Areas : Statistics
1 - Department of pure Mathematics, Payame Noor University, P. O. Box, Tehran 19395-3697, Iran
Keywords: خاصیت UC, انقباض دوری جمعی مییر-کییلر از مرتبه p, بهترین نقطه تقریبی, نقطه ثابت,
Abstract :
Let , and be nonempty subsets of a matric space . Then the mapping is called cyclic if , and . Consider the following optimization problem Let , certainly if the condition be true for some then it is best answer for optimization problem , that we called it triple best proximity point of .In this paper, first we introduce the notion of 3-cyclic summing Meir-Keeler contractions as a generalization of 3-cyclic summing contractions, then we obtain the conditions for the existence of a triple best proximity point for these class of mappings in the metric spaces with property UC. Our results in this paper are true for a n-cyclic summing Meir-Keeler contraction just we work with order 3 for the simplicity of proofs. Note that, our results are generalizations of some existing theorems with shorter and simpler proofs. Note that, our results are generalizations of some existing theorems with shorter and simpler proofs.
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