Evaluation The Role of Effective Components in Outdoor Residential Complexes on the Creation of Social Interactionss
Subject Areas : architecture
Nazanin Dehnad
Bagher Karimi
1 - Researcher PhD in Architecture, Department of Architecture, Bushehr branch, Islamic Azad University, Bushehr, Iran.
2 - Architecture PhD, Assistant Professor Department of Architecture, Bushehr branch, Islamic Azad University, Bushehr, Iran
Keywords: ", Residential complexes", , ", openspace", , ", common open space", , ", social relations", ,
Abstract :
In recent years, changes in demographic, social and cultural characteristics have had a significant impact on settlements. With the increasing size of cities, density and civility, citizenship and social relations -that are the most important principles in the city- are weakened and hence a sense of community and emotional ties that have been present in past societies, is disappearing in modern society. Public spaces are key elements in shaping social life; trying to provide an appropriate context to living and satisfying needs of residents and to increase social interactions and solidarity between people in an appropriate environment. Especially in big cities, Sub-urban areas tend to lose their identity and there is no border among private and semi-private open spaces.Therefore, collective interactions among residents living in biological spaces have declined. Social structure and physical and social interaction between headquarters and behavioral and social locations effect on residents; this is a criteria for measuring the utility of bio locations. The purpose of this study is to recognize the responsible components that improve the quality of open space as a mean of improving the quality of social life and seeks to honor social interactions among the logical relationships. Survey method of this study was filling out questionnaires. The test population consisted of 4 residential complexes at Shiraz city. Samples were estimated by Cochran, 217 Questionnaires based on random cluster distribute among residents of Complexes. Validity of the questionnaire was estimated %0.84, measured by Cronbach's alpha. To analyze the data, SPSS and Minitab software were used and also analyzed by Anova and Chi-square test. As a result, this study concluded factors affecting on open space effect on social interactions. The role of physical, social and physical environment as forming simple and complex social relations is important; this role should be able to satisfy the demands of residents in public spaces. So, role and function of complex biological design and quality of open space in promoting the social interaction is confirmed. By providing visual attraction and desirability of physical and emotional spaces with factors such as order and harmony, identifying the security and reachability, visual beauty can be strengthen amongst other human needs. Presence of individuals and different social groups and social interactions among them is considered a social desirability due to interaction between people and the relationship between the quality of spaces and activities increases the amount of activity ability. Physical and suitable design form and shape the desirable space, so that provide a personal space suitable that matches the culture and psychology of personality and individual residents. The high quality of open space the more social interaction; so, in order to enhance the positive impact of residential complexes on relationships quality of open space should improve and therefore solidarity and belonging to a place is attainable. Findings show that there was a significant relationship between the variables. Finally, placement of a group of residential complexes around a common open space can lead to creation of spatial diversity and a variety of social relationships; this linkage strengthens the social interactions, suitable social stability and collective belonging.
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