Providing IRIB News Agency with Functional Solutions for Management of Negative Social Emotions
Subject Areas : Media Management
Mohammad Hossein Saei
Ali Khalaji
Javad Sadeghi
1 - President - Soore University
2 - Iran Broadcasting University
3 - Iran Broadcasting University
Keywords: Social Emotions Management, Emotion, Social Emotions, thematic analysis, IRIB News Agency,
Abstract :
The IRIB Organization can play an important role in managing these emotions because of its commitment to the society and its media coverage. The news coverage of exciting events is the key to managing such emotions. In this regard, the IRIB News Agency is considered as the core of the organization in the information sector. The main purpose of this research is Providing IRIB News Agency with Functional Solutions for Management of Negative Social Emotions. This study was conducted with a qualitative method and semi-structured interviewing technique. After having face-to-face interviews with 19 experts who were selected through purposive and snowball sampling, the research data were collected and thematic analysis method was used to analyze the data. The collected data were categorized into three stages of open coding, axial coding and selective coding using MAXQDA software version 10. The thematic network diagram was drawn after specifying the basic themes, organizing themes and comprehensive themes. The results of the research show that external and internal organizations must take action in order to manage negative emotions. The outsourcing takes place in three categories: the elaboration and approval of laws, interaction with other institutions and the creation of new organizations. Intra-organizational strategies also relate to three time periods. Before, during and after negative emotional subsidence. The most important ones are redrawing red lines, teaching media literacy to audiences, avoiding the silent media approach, disseminating information on sensitive topics, cutting off the emotional disturbance and creating content archives.
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