The Impact of Organizational Justice on the Staffing empowerment of the Transitional Leadership Mediator (Case Study: Medical Science University)
Subject Areas : Public Policy In Administration
Hajieh Rajabi Farjad
Asghar Pahlavan
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Human Resources Management, Amin Police University.
2 - کارشناس ارشد مدیریت، دانشکده علوم انسانی، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد الکترونیک ،
Keywords: Transformational Leadership, Organizational justice, Empowerment, Tehran University of Medical S,
Abstract :
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of organizational justice on the empowerment of employees with the role of intermediary transformational leadership. Method: This research is a descriptive-survey method for the purpose of applied research. The statistical population of the study was all employees of Tehran University of Medical Sciences with 456 people. Using Cochran's formula, the sample size in this study was 208,people have been calculated and sampling Bodh is simple random sampling. Data collection, three standard questionnaires that include Transformational Leadership Bass and Avolio ( (1994, organizational justice Niehoff and Moorman (1998) and empowerment Sprites (1996) and its validity by professors and experts and its reliability by using Cronbach's alpha was calculated 0/872. Results: Data analysis was performed using Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, Bartlet test and factor load estimation, as well as structural equations. Conclusion: The results of the research show that the impact of organizational justice on the empowerment of employees with the intermediate role of transformational leadership was confirmed. The impact of organizational justice on staff's empowerment and transformational leadership has been confirmed, but the impact of transformational leadership on employee empowerment has not been confirmed.
اسکات، سینیتا و دنیس، ژافه، (1385)، تواناسازی کارکنان.ترجمه مهدی ایران نژاد پاریزی، تهران:موسسه تحقیقات و آموزش مدیریت، ص38.
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مرتضوی، سعید، نیک کار، امیر. (1393). نقش میانجی گری عدالت سازمانی در رابطه میان سبک رهبری تحول آفرین و کیفیت زندگی کاری کارکنان مورد مطالعه: شرکت آب و فاضلاب مشهد.پژوهشنامه ی مدیریت اجرایی، سال ششم، شماره ی یازدهم، 103-122
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Bass, B. M., (1985), Leadership and performance beyond expectations. New York: Free Press.
Bass, B. M. and Avolio, B. J., (1994), Transformational leadership development. Palo Alto, CA: Consulting Psychological Press.
Bass, B. (2012). Transformational Leadership: Industrial, Military, and Educational Impact. Psychology Press. 9010.88.2.207
Bass, B. M., & Bass, R. (2008). The Bass handbook of leadership: theory, research andmanagerial applications (4th ed.). New York: Free Press
Berson, Y., Avolio, B., 2004. “Transformational leadership and the dissemination of organizational goals: A case study of a telecommunication firm”, The Leadership Quarterly, Vol. 15, pp. 625-646.
8-Bennis, W. G., and Nanus, B. (1985), Leaders: the strategies for taking charge. New York: Harper & Row.
Conger J. A., (1989), Leadership: The art of empowering others.The Academy of Management Executive , Vol 3,NO1 .
Chaudhry, A,Q, Javed, H and Sabir, M. (2012). The impact of transformational and transactional leadership style on the motivation of employees in Pakistan. Pakistan Economic and Social.
Greenberg, J. (1990). Organization justice: Yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Journal of
Management, 16 (2): 399-432.
Geisler, David, 2005 the next Level in Employee Empowerment Quality Progress, research Library core. Vol. 38. No. 6. pp. 48-52
Gillet,n. (2013).The Mediating Role of Organizational Justice in the Relationship Between Transformational Leadership and Nurses' Quality of Work Life: A Cross-Sectional Questionnaire Survey. PubMed Journals Browse, and Follow Biomedical Journals . 50 (10), 1359-1367.
Kanungo, R.N. & Mendonca, M. (1996). Ethical Dimensions in Leadership, Sage, Beverly Hills, CA.
Kouzes J. M. , Posner B.Z., ( 1995), The leadership challenge. Jossey-bass San Francisco ,CA.
Kelloway, E.K., Barling, J., Kelley, E., Comtois, J., & Gatien, B. (2003). Remote transformational leadership.
Leadership & Organization Development Journal, Vol. 24 Iss 3 pp. 163 – 171.
Kirkbride, P. (2006). “Developing transformational leaders: the full range leadership model in action”, Industrial and
Commercial Training, Vol. 38 Iss 1 pp. 23 – 32.
Podsakoff, M. P., Mackenzie, B. S., Puine, B. J., and Bachrach, G. D. (2000)."Organizational citizenship behaviors: a critical review of the theoretical and Empirical literature and suggestions for future research". Journal of management, Vol. 26, pp 513 - 563.
Smith, Jane. (2000). Empowerment People, London Kurgan, P4.
Rokhman ,Wahibur, Hassan, Arif . (2012)Transformational Leadership and Work Outcomes: Organizational Justice as Mediator. See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at:
Ismail, Azman 2011. An Empirical Study of the Relationship between Transformational Leadership, Empowerment and Organizational Commitment. Business and Economics Research Journal, Vol. 2, No. 1, 2011.
Spector, Paul. Borman, Walter & Cimino, Cynthia. (2004) Emotional Intelligence and Leadership Styles, Department of Psychology College of Arts and Sciences, available at Shannon Webb.
Stone A. Gregory, Russell F. Robert, Patterson Kathleen (2004) Transformational Versus Servant Leadership – A Difference in Leader Focus, Leadership and Organization development Journal, Vol 25. NO4, PP349-3619
55-Spreitzer, Gretchen M. , (1996),Social Structural Characteristics of Psychological Empowerment.Academy of Management Journal, Vol.l39, No.2.
58-Thomas. K & Velthouse. B, (1990), Cognitive elements of empowerment: an interpretive model of intrinsic task motivation. Academy of management review, No.15.
Patiar, Anoop, Wang, Ying. (2014).The effects of transformational leadership and organizational commitment on hotel departmental performance, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. Vol. 28 Iss: 3, pp.586 - 608
اسکات، سینیتا و دنیس، ژافه، (1385)، تواناسازی کارکنان.ترجمه مهدی ایران نژاد پاریزی، تهران:موسسه تحقیقات و آموزش مدیریت، ص38.
پورعزت، علی اصغر، قلی پور، آرین ( 1387 )، بررسی موانع ساختاری تحقق عدالت در سازمان، فصلنامه سیاسی اجتماعی برداشت دوم، سال پنجم، شماره8: 231-248.
حسن پور، اکبر, عباسی، طیبه, نوروزی، مجتبی (1390). بررسی نقش رهبری تحول آفرین در توانمند سازی کارکنان. پژوهشهای مدیریت در ایران (مدرس علوم انسانی. بهار 1390 , دوره 15 , شماره 1 پیاپی 70، 159-180
درگاهی، پرویز (1383). تفویض اختیار و توانمند سازی کارکنان. فصلنامه توسعه مدیریت. دی و بهمن 1383 . شماره 63: 4-9.
رضائیان، علی، (1384)، مبانی سازمان و مدیریت. تهران: انتشارات سمت
سلطانی نژاد، محدثه، زاهد بابلان، عادل، سلطانی نژاد، حامد، معینی یا، مهدی (1394). بررسی رابطه رهبری تحول آفرین، تعهد سازمانی ورفتار شهروندی سازمانی با کارآفرینی سازمانی در کارکنان دانشگاه محقق اردبیلی. کنفرانس جهانی روانشناسی و علوم تربیتی، حقوق و علوم اجتماعی در آغاز هزاره سوم.15-30.
عبداله زاده ، ملیحه. (1389). بررسی رابطه بین توانمندسازی کارکنان با تعهد سازمانی و تعهد حرفه ای و رفتار شهروندی سازمانی آنها در واحدهای درمانی وابسته به تامین اجتماعی شهر ارومیه در سال89.پایان نامه کارشناسی ارشد. دانشگاه پیام نور استان فارس - دانشکده ادبیات و علوم انسانی
مرتضوی، سعید، نیک کار، امیر. (1393). نقش میانجی گری عدالت سازمانی در رابطه میان سبک رهبری تحول آفرین و کیفیت زندگی کاری کارکنان مورد مطالعه: شرکت آب و فاضلاب مشهد.پژوهشنامه ی مدیریت اجرایی، سال ششم، شماره ی یازدهم، 103-122
محمدی، محمد، (1382)، برنامههای توانمند سازی کارکنان.فصلنامه مطالعات مدیریت، شمارگان 35، 36.
Bass, B. M., (1985), Leadership and performance beyond expectations. New York: Free Press.
Bass, B. M. and Avolio, B. J., (1994), Transformational leadership development. Palo Alto, CA: Consulting Psychological Press.
Bass, B. (2012). Transformational Leadership: Industrial, Military, and Educational Impact. Psychology Press. 9010.88.2.207
Bass, B. M., & Bass, R. (2008). The Bass handbook of leadership: theory, research andmanagerial applications (4th ed.). New York: Free Press
Berson, Y., Avolio, B., 2004. “Transformational leadership and the dissemination of organizational goals: A case study of a telecommunication firm”, The Leadership Quarterly, Vol. 15, pp. 625-646.
8-Bennis, W. G., and Nanus, B. (1985), Leaders: the strategies for taking charge. New York: Harper & Row.
Conger J. A., (1989), Leadership: The art of empowering others.The Academy of Management Executive , Vol 3,NO1 .
Chaudhry, A,Q, Javed, H and Sabir, M. (2012). The impact of transformational and transactional leadership style on the motivation of employees in Pakistan. Pakistan Economic and Social.
Greenberg, J. (1990). Organization justice: Yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Journal of
Management, 16 (2): 399-432.
Geisler, David, 2005 the next Level in Employee Empowerment Quality Progress, research Library core. Vol. 38. No. 6. pp. 48-52
Gillet,n. (2013).The Mediating Role of Organizational Justice in the Relationship Between Transformational Leadership and Nurses' Quality of Work Life: A Cross-Sectional Questionnaire Survey. PubMed Journals Browse, and Follow Biomedical Journals . 50 (10), 1359-1367.
Kanungo, R.N. & Mendonca, M. (1996). Ethical Dimensions in Leadership, Sage, Beverly Hills, CA.
Kouzes J. M. , Posner B.Z., ( 1995), The leadership challenge. Jossey-bass San Francisco ,CA.
Kelloway, E.K., Barling, J., Kelley, E., Comtois, J., & Gatien, B. (2003). Remote transformational leadership.
Leadership & Organization Development Journal, Vol. 24 Iss 3 pp. 163 – 171.
Kirkbride, P. (2006). “Developing transformational leaders: the full range leadership model in action”, Industrial and
Commercial Training, Vol. 38 Iss 1 pp. 23 – 32.
Podsakoff, M. P., Mackenzie, B. S., Puine, B. J., and Bachrach, G. D. (2000)."Organizational citizenship behaviors: a critical review of the theoretical and Empirical literature and suggestions for future research". Journal of management, Vol. 26, pp 513 - 563.
Smith, Jane. (2000). Empowerment People, London Kurgan, P4.
Rokhman ,Wahibur, Hassan, Arif . (2012)Transformational Leadership and Work Outcomes: Organizational Justice as Mediator. See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at:
Ismail, Azman 2011. An Empirical Study of the Relationship between Transformational Leadership, Empowerment and Organizational Commitment. Business and Economics Research Journal, Vol. 2, No. 1, 2011.
Spector, Paul. Borman, Walter & Cimino, Cynthia. (2004) Emotional Intelligence and Leadership Styles, Department of Psychology College of Arts and Sciences, available at Shannon Webb.
Stone A. Gregory, Russell F. Robert, Patterson Kathleen (2004) Transformational Versus Servant Leadership – A Difference in Leader Focus, Leadership and Organization development Journal, Vol 25. NO4, PP349-3619
55-Spreitzer, Gretchen M. , (1996),Social Structural Characteristics of Psychological Empowerment.Academy of Management Journal, Vol.l39, No.2.
58-Thomas. K & Velthouse. B, (1990), Cognitive elements of empowerment: an interpretive model of intrinsic task motivation. Academy of management review, No.15.
Patiar, Anoop, Wang, Ying. (2014).The effects of transformational leadership and organizational commitment on hotel departmental performance, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. Vol. 28 Iss: 3, pp.586 - 608