Operational policy analysis of the impact of Persian Q&A systems on improving the performance of the Tax Administration
Subject Areas : Public Policy In AdministrationAli Ehsani 1 , Seyed Abdollah Amin Mousavi 2 , Mahmood Alborzi 3 , Maryam Rastgarpour 4
1 - PhD Student, Department of Information Technology Management, Faculty of Management and Economics, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Faculty of Management, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
3 - Associate Professor, Department of Information Technology Management, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
4 - Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Engineering, Saveh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Saveh, Iran.
Keywords: Intelligent services, Performance Improvement, Iran Tax Affairs Organization, Persian Q&A system, tax payers,
Abstract :
Background and Aim: Organizations are trying to improve performance in providing smart services. An intelligent Q&A system is a virtual assistant that is able to interact with users. The purpose of this article is to investigate whether the characteristics of the Q&A system can improve the performance of the tax organization.Method: First, the question and answer system on the web platform is provided to the taxpayers. The tool used to evaluate the components and sub-components was a researcher-made questionnaire. Formal validity measurement tool was used to assess the validity and Cronbach's alpha calculation method was used for reliability. Using Cochran's sampling formula, 384 taxpayers were determined as the statistical sample size. The data are then analyzed by modeling the structural equations of least squares to evaluate the model.Findings: Features related to intelligent question and answer systems have a positive effect on improving organizational performance.Conclusion: This study shows the importance and positive effect of organizational investment in accepting factors related to service intelligence and the effects of new technologies based on artificial intelligence to strengthen the client-organization relationship.
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