Identification of Ahl al-Bayt Tombs in Palestine under the Fatimīds
Subject Areas : The Journal of Islamic History and Civilisation
1 - M.A at History and Civilization of Islamic Nation, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran
Keywords: Fatimīds, political-religious legitimacy, symbolic shrine, Strategic, Palestine,
Abstract :
The attack of the Seljuks on Baghdad and the driving of the Fatimids back to the borders of Syria and Egypt after their temporary control over the capital of the Sunni government of the Abbasid sect, which the Fatimīds were planning to overthrow, ended the dream of the Fatimids of gaining the Shiite bases in Iraq and the Arabian Peninsula. Therefore, in order to obtain their religious-political legitimacy in Egypt and the Levant, the Fatimids took the initiative and established symbolic shrines in Palestine following the example of the chosen and popular figures of the Shiites. And in this direction, they built four tombs in four strategic areas of Palestine including: Acre, Tiberias, Ashkelon and Hebron. Friedman's goal is to present an objective analysis of the goals and motivations of the Fatimids in the symbolic identification of the tombs of the Ahl al-Bayt in Palestine. In some parts of this article, according to the needs of the audience, some sources have been added or omitted, or their validity has been examined
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