Analysis of Religious Tourism with the Approach of Axial Expansion of Roads (Case Study: Imam Reza Court)
Subject Areas : Geography and Tourism
ُSayed Eisa Mosavi
Dِr.Hormoz Asadi Kohbad
1 - Ph.D., Student of Theology, jurisprudence and Fundamentals of Islamic law, Ramhormoz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ramhormoz, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Law, Ramhormoz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ramhormoz, Iran
Keywords: Religious Tourism, Axial Expansion, Road Network, The Holy City of Mashhad, The Imam Reza Court .,
Abstract :
Without considering their sacred and spiritual characteristics, holy places are an exhibition of art and a symbol of civilization and culture that attract religious tourists. The emigration of Imam reza to iran, as the biggest religious event, has created a spiritual and religious path that can be recognized as the center of religious tourism. The functions and structures of the spiritual(social and cultural) and material (economic and spatial) life of the city arise from this religious-cultural nature. These places are visited with different motivations. The primary goal of this study was to investigate the movement path and direction of imam reza and the development of the tourism industry. This study was conducted using descriptive and analytical methods with a document study tool. The results revealed that according to statistics, more than 300 authorized accommodation units are operating in the nearby city of mashhad, which includes about 70% of all accommodation centers in iran. A glance at the five-year development plans and planning done by the organization of cultural heritage, handicrafts and tourism in iran suggests that the development of tourism in religious destinations has always been the priority of tourism development programs, indicating the special importance of these destinations. Based on the movement path and direction of imam reza, it can be stated that the religious tourism industry is one of the best ways to introduce history, culture, and religious values and the peaceful coexistence of religions among countries. Also, blessed and religious places indicate the customs, beliefs, and thoughts of the people in addition to their sanctity and unique spirituality.
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