The effect of legal knowledge and socio-economic base on the tendency to political participation (case study: city dazful)
Subject Areas : political sociology
1 - low
Keywords: legal knowledge, class base, political participation,
Abstract :
Purpose: Some consider political participation to be the conscious acceptance of doing part of the affairs in the form of cooperation out of desire to improve social life. Therefore, encouraging participation and facilitating the process of its realization has always been the focus of social reformers, and they consider it a process that takes place over time and has always been developing, repeating, and continuing, and during that time, the talents of people from Through interaction with others, self-discovery and responsibility is achieved. Research method: It was done using the survey method and using the questionnaire tool. The statistical population under study is Dezful city. A number of 341 young people from the statistical community were selected for the study as a well-known sample using the systematic random method. Face validity was used for validity and Cronbach's alpha for the reliability of the research instrument, and statistical methods of two-way analysis of variance were used to test the hypotheses and path analysis technique was used to measure the research model. Findings and Conclusion: Based on the findings of the research, there is a significant relationship between the interactive effect of the two variables of economic and social base and legal knowledge with the degree of youth's willingness to participate in politics. This means that the higher the economic base of the youth and on the other hand, the higher their legal knowledge, the higher their willingness to political participation will be.
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