Accessibility, mobility and transportation criteria in locating tourist-accommodation centers (case study: finding the location of a hotel in Shiraz using the ANP method)
Subject Areas : َArchitecture
koorosh Bolvaryzadeh Dashtestani
Amineh Andjomshoaa
1 - Department of Architecture, Kerman Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran
2 - Department of Architecture, Kerman Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran
Keywords: Location detection, Hotel, ANP, Transportation, SuperDecision,
Abstract :
In the realm of architectural design for hotels, it is not only imperative to consider the aesthetics and layout, but also to carefully choose the most fitting location for its intended purpose. In metropolitan areas, hotels are typically constructed in affluent districts or the heart of the city, yet have received minimal scrutiny from researchers regarding their placement. Various factors come into play when determining the optimal site for a hotel, including but not limited to transportation, geographical features, legal and socio-cultural aspects, psychology, building density, regional expansion, cost, and population. These factors are collectively known as location criteria, with each criterion having one or more subsets that are subjected to ANP analysis. The ANP approach is an invaluable tool in identifying the most suitable location for a hotel. Within this piece, one location is selected from three options based on displacement, transportation, and accessibility criteria. The potential of each site is initially evaluated, and images of the areas are created via Photoshop software. Subsequently, the SuperDecision program is leveraged, using the ANP methodology for scoring, selection, and presenting outcomes in various tables and super matrices. Ultimately, the optimal site for a hotel is identified in Shiraz, which ranks among the most populous cities in Iran. This chosen site is situated on Modares Blvd. and boasts several key advantages, which include proximity to the city center, post office, major shopping malls, airport, metro and city bus stations, banks, natural history museum, passenger terminals, Shiraz University of Technology, and various health and treatment centers. As a suggestion, it would be worthwhile to delve further into other location criteria, such as geographical features and operational management, among other key factors.
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