Social Spider Optimization Algorithm in Multimodal Medical Image Registration
Subject Areas : Image and video processing, Speech processing
Zahra Hossein-Nejad
Mehdi Nasri
1 - Department of Electrical Engineering, Sirjan branch, Islamic Azad Univerity
2 - Department of Urban Planning, Islamic Azad University, Yadegar Imam Khomeini (RAH) Shahr-e-Rey Branch
Keywords: image registration, medical image processing, optimization, meta-heuristic algorithms, Social Spider Optimization,
Abstract :
Image registration is one of the most essential applications of image processing, especially in medical. The purpose of image registration is to find the optimal parameters of conversion functions. The selection of appropriate optimization algorithms is very important in determining the optimal parameter. The Social Spider Optimization (SSO) algorithm is one of the meta-heuristic methods that prevents premature convergence. In this paper, medical image registration technique is suggested based on the SSO algorithm. The simulation results on Brain Web dataset affirm the suggested method outperforms classical registration methods in terms of convergence rate, execution time.
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