Numerical Study of Resistance Parameters in Soil Nailing Systems with Various Configurations (Case Study: Marl Soils of Tabriz
Subject Areas : Analysis of Structure and Earthquake
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Keywords: Reinforced walls, Soil nailing, Safety factor, FLAC3D ,
Abstract :
Soil nailing is a stabilization method utilizing tensile-resistant steel elements that can be employed for excavation and steep slope construction under static and dynamic loads. This research numerically investigates the resistance parameters of soil nailing systems in marly soils. The case study involves a 300-meter-long wall in Tabriz city, which experienced collapse and cracking at three points due to insufficient nail lengths and construction modifications. Using FLAC3D software, five different configurations were analyzed, and the results were compared with Yazdandoost’s laboratory model. Results indicated that Model M1 with uniform nail lengths and Model M2 with a gradual 10% reduction in nail lengths from top to bottom showed unbalanced force distribution. In addition, Models M3 and M4, which included increased nail lengths in the upper and middle sections, also demonstrated suboptimal performance. Finally, Model M5, incorporating a 20% increase in nail lengths in the bottom row, exhibited the best performance with a maximum axial force of 169 (KN) and a safety factor of 1.44. The high correlation between numerical and laboratory results, with regression coefficients of 0.97 for wall displacement and 0.96 for axial force, validated the modeling accuracy. This study demonstrated that proper design of nail lengths and arrangements, particularly in the lower wall section, plays a crucial role in structural stability.
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