Identifying the harm caused by data privacy violations in cyberspace "with emphasis on the rights of Islam, Iran, and the United States of America"
Subject Areas : All jurisprudential issuesAliasgar Sharifi 1 , اسماعیل قمری 2
1 - PhD in Private Law, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran (Corresponding author)
2 - PhD in Criminal Law and Criminology, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kermanshah, Iran.
Keywords: Keywords: cyberspace, privacy, computer data, property ownership,
Abstract :
Privacy of individuals has been affected by the development of information technology and various applications of cyberspace, and due to the facilitation of searching and accelerating access to data, if cyberspace is not properly organized, the privacy and personal data of individuals in this space are under threat. In such an information exchange space, paying attention to the privacy that governs data and information is of great importance. Identifying the damage caused by the violation of data privacy is more complex than the civil liability for violations of other types of privacy; because in this area, the issue of the extinction and death of data privacy is raised. On the other hand, some believe in the ownership of data privacy. Therefore, in this article, after explaining the concept of data privacy, by proving the ownership of computer data based on two approaches of "object-oriented" and "relationship-oriented" in property and identifying the economic value or ownership of material and intangible objects and reviewing and adapting traditional and new criteria and standards of property in the legal systems of Islam, Iran and the United States of America; The issue of identifying damage caused by data privacy violations and the approach of these systems in protecting data and information privacy will be examined and analyzed.
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