The Truth of the Universe and its Role in Divine Grace and a Comparison with Levels of the Merciful Soul Based on Islamic and Mystical Interpretations
Subject Areas :Mahdi imanimoghaddam 1 , رضا جمالی 2
1 - Board of Education Department of Neishabur University
2 -
Keywords: The worlds of existence, the world of order, the world of creation, creator, inventors, creations.,
Abstract :
The purpose of this research is to explain in detail the concept of the world of order and its role in divine grace and manifestation and to examine its difference with the world of creation. The most commentators have considered the world of order as opposed to the world of material and including the world of separate purgatory and total abstractions, but from the perspective of many among the Muslim mystics, it is a matter of dignity that the world of names belongs to the worlds of creation (the world of matter, example, and intellect). Because the beings in all the created worlds exist in the dignity of the Nafadiyyah, while all the exegetes, including Allameh Tabataba'i, by interpreting the Qur'an according to the Qur'an, have considered the world of matter as opposed to the world of material and including the world of examples and abstract minds. From his point of view, there are two distinct orders in the world of creation; one is the system of creation and the other is the system of order. The system of creation means the world based on material symptoms and causes, but the system of order is a system that is devoid of material attributes and symptoms and only the will of God is its main cause. Therefore, it is the same system of abstracts. Each of these two has special characteristics, sometimes they combine them and consider them as one, and sometimes they look at these two worlds separately.
منابع و مآخذ
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