A Comparative Study of the Effects of the Diglot Weave Technique (DWT) and Project-Based Learning (PBL) on Iranian EFL Learners’ Knowledge of Idioms
Subject Areas : Journal of Teaching English Language StudiesMarzieh Semyari 1 , Ramin Rahmany 2
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Keywords: Comparative Study, DWT, PBL, EFL Learners, Knowledge of Idioms,
Abstract :
The acquisition of idiomatic expressions is a significant component of acquiring proficiency in a foreign language. According to Richards and Rodgers (2001), this factor connects the four essential language skills: speaking, listening, reading, and writing. The importance of acquiring idioms is becoming more well-recognized in language learning. Nevertheless, there exists a considerable divergence of opinion regarding the efficacy of various methodologies employed in the presentation of vocabulary items. Furthermore, the acquisition of idiomatic expressions is sometimes regarded as a monotonous and arduous undertaking. There has been a significant shift in perspectives regarding the essence of idioms. However, there is a requirement to enhance the approaches employed in the generation of idioms. Considerable focus has been directed toward the examination of teachers' utilization of both the target language and the first language within the educational setting. Teachers commonly employ code-switching between the first language and the target language as a pedagogical strategy to facilitate the transition from familiar linguistic territory (the first language) to unfamiliar linguistic terrain (the target language). The purpose of this study is to help instructors introduce the diglot weave technique, and project-based learning to students to expand their receptive and productive knowledge of idioms systematically because in EFL contexts, learners often encounter problems in receptive and productive knowledge of idioms. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the effects of the diglot weave technique (DWT), and project-based learning on Iranian EFL learners’ receptive and productive knowledge of idioms.
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