Designing a Model of an Ethical Charter for Employees based on Islamic Teachings in the Government (Case of Executive Agencies of Sistan and Baluchestan Province)
Leila Jahantigh
PhD student in Public Administration, Department of Management, Kerman Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran
Abbas Babaei
Assistant Professor, Department of Public Administration, Kerman Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran
Mohsen Zayandehroodi
Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Kerman Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran
Saeed Sayadi
Department of Management, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Kerman Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran.
Keywords: Ethics, Code of Ethics, Islamic Teachings. ,
Abstract :
The purpose of this article is to examine the role of religion in the code of ethics. The origin of the code of ethics in our society is religious beliefs. The life of Muslim employees is to examine the effects of Islamic values on the organizational behavior of employees. This research is applied in terms of quantitative-qualitative method and in terms of purpose, which seeks to identify the factors and indicators that have played a role in the code of ethics of employees derived from Islamic teachings by using a survey method. The tool used to collect data in this survey was a questionnaire that was prepared based on the literature related to the code of ethics of employees derived from Islamic teachings. After reviewing and confirming the validity and reliability, the questionnaire was designed online and sent to researchers and specialists in the field of management via email and mobile phone. The statistical sample is 384 employees in the cities of Zabol, Zahedan, and Khash. The results of exploratory analysis using Amos software in this study confirmed three categories of religious values (including the components of faith and belief), moral values (justice, honesty, confidentiality and trustworthiness, altruism and kindness), and personal values (responsibility, conscientiousness, reporting).
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