Interaction Effect of Dietary Fatty Acid (N-6 vs. N-3) and Rumen Undegradable Protein Source (Fish Meal vs. Corn Gluten Meal) on Plasma Metabolites, Hormones and Reproductive Performances of Lori Goats during the Breeding Season
Subject Areas : CamelA. Shiravand 1 , M. Shamsolahi 2 , F. Fatahnia 3 , Y. Mohammadi 4 , M. Nemati 5
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Keywords: flushing diet, goat, n-3 and n-6 fatty acid, reproductive performances, rumen unde-gradable protein source,
Abstract :
This study aimed to investigate the effect of the interaction effect of fatty acid (FA) and rumen undegrad-able protein (RUP) source in diet around mating on body weight (BW), plasma metabolites, minerals, ster-oid hormones, and reproductive performances of Lori goats. Forty-eight Lori goats were divided into four groups (n=12) based on age (2-3 years), BW (39.85 kg), and body condition score (BCS) (2.5) and ran-domly assigned to one of four experimental diets. Goats were fed one of the experimental flushing diets supplemented with calcium (Ca) salt of n-6 FA (soybean oil) and corn gluten meal (CGM; n-6-CGM), Ca salt of n-6 FA and fish meal (FM; n-6-FM), Ca salt of n-3 FA (fish oil) and CGM (n-3-CGM) and Ca salt of n-3 FA and FM (n-3-FM). Results showed that dry matter intake (DMI), BW, BCS and plasma glucose, total cholesterol, urea nitrogen (UN), Ca, magnesium (Mg), sodium (Na) and potassium (K) concentrations did not influenced by experimental diets (P<0.05). However, fertility rate tended to be lower in goats fed n-6-CGM diet (P=0.07). Furthermore, numerical higher kidding rate, twinning rate and kid birth BW were observed in goats fed n-6-FM and n-3-FM diets compared to other groups. In conclusion, feeding a flushing diet containing Ca salt of n-6 or n-3 FA in combination with FM (n-6-FM and n-3-FM diets) rather than n-6 FA in combination with CGM around mating may improve the reproductive performances of Lori goats, however, further research is required to confirm these findings.
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