Proposing the Structural Equations Model of the Relationship between Marital Conflicts and Marital Burnout with the Mediation of Distress Tolerance in Married Women from Cultural Perspective
Subject Areas : Psychology
Zahra Tayebi
Jafar Noori
1 - Ms.c Student, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Humanities. Shandiz Institute of Higher Education, Mashhad, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Humanities, Shandiz Institute of Higher Education, Mashhad, Iran
Keywords: Marital conflicts, Marital burnout, Distress tolerance,
Abstract :
The aim of the present study was to propose the structural equations model of the relationship between marital conflicts and marital burnout with the mediating role of distress tolerance in married women from a cultural perspective. The statistical population of this study included all the married women residing in district 4 of Mashhad city. The sample embraced 228 participants whom were selected using convenience sampling procedure, considering the possibility of attrition and to increase the validity of the sample. The research method was descriptive, of the correlational and structural equations type. To collect the data, the Distress Tolerance Scale (Simons & Gaher, 2005), Marital Conflicts Questionnaire (Sanaei et al., 2000), and Marital Disenchantment Scale (Pines, 1996) were implemented. To test the research hypotheses AMOS statistical software was utilized. The results indicated that all the direct and indirect paths of the proposed model were significant; and there was a significant positive relationship between marital conflicts and marital burnout in married women from a cultural perspective. Furthermore, the results showed a significant negative relationship between marital conflicts and marital burnout with distress tolerance. Finally, the results revealed that distress tolerance played a mediating role in the relationship between marital conflicts and marital burnout. The results also showed that the model had an optimal goodness of fit.
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