Isolation and study of some physiological behaviors of some actinobacterial isolates from pistachio rhizosphere with antagonistic properties against Phytophthora drechleri
Subject Areas :Azadeh Rezaei zadeh 1 , saeedeh habibi 2 , toktam ataei salami 3
1 - Department of plant protection,Agriculture faculty,Shahid bahonar university,kerman,Iran
2 -
3 - Department of plant protection,Agriculture faculty,Shahid bahonar university,kerman,Iran
Keywords: Gomosis, biological control, actinomycete, pistachio, ,
Abstract :
Crown and root rot disease caused by different species of Phytophtera is one of the most important pistachio diseases. Although various methods have been recommended for the management of this disease, biological control has been considered as an environmentally compatible method. In this research, the antagonistic effect of 3 bacterial strains isolated from the soils of Rafsanjan city on Phytophthoradrechsleri was investigated in laboratory conditions. Isolates 216, 217, 226 showed the highest inhibition halo with 7.5 and 5.5 mm, respectively. and hydrogen cyanide, the ability to colonize the root and a number of other tests were performed. Finally, the effect of these isolates in the control of the pathogenic oomycetes was measured in the pistachio plant laboratory conditions, and the results were indicative of the control of pathogenic damage in the target traits by these isolates. It is hoped that the selected isolates of this test will be monitored by other researchers and according to their appropriate potential, they will advance to the stages of commercialization or the use of suitable genes for the production of disease-resistant transgenic plants.
bacterial strains isolated from the soils of Rafsanjan city on Phytophthoradrechsleri was investigated in laboratory conditions. Isolates 216, 217, 226 showed the highest inhibition halo with 7.5 and 5.5 mm, respectively. and hydrogen cyanide, the ability to colonize the root and a number of other tests were performed.
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