Economic Analysis of Input Utilization Patterns in Wheat Production in the Ziwiyeh Region of Saqqez County
Subject Areas : Sustainable production technologies
Dawood Aminpoor
mohammad ali asaadi
1 - Karaj Center of Payame Noor University
2 -
Keywords: Production function, Cobb Douglas, Spring fertilizer, Wheat, Saqqez, Ziwiyeh region,
Abstract :
Nowaday, the issue of production has become one of the most fundamental issues in the field of the country's economy. The importance of the agricultural sector as one of the main pillars of the country's growth and development as well as optimal production in this sector is very important. In this regard, the present research has been conducted with the aim of investigating the role and position of wheat production inputs as a strategic and vital product in the consumption basket of Ziwiyeh region of Saqqez city. The required data were collected by referring to the Jihad Agricultural Department of the city and the country's water demand system in the crop year of 2021-2022. In order to economically evaluate the inputs involved in wheat production, various production functions including Cobb-Douglas, transcendental, translog and generalized quadratic functions were estimated and finally Cobb-Douglas function was selected as the superior production function. The results showed that the sum of the partial tensions or the estimated coefficients of Cobb-Douglas production function was 0.953, which shows the decreasing return to scale in this production function. Also, the factors of cultivated area, spring fertilizer, autumn fertilizer and farmer's capital have a positive and significant effect on production, while the labor force has a negative effect. Spring fertilizer with the greatest effect and economic value of 27,945 Tomans was recognized as the most important input. According to the results, it is recommended to make appropriate policy and planning in order to increase the productivity of wheat production factors in the region.
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