Violation of the opinions of the social security organization's claims recognition boards from the perspective of the procedure of the Administrative Court of Justice in sustainable social developmen
Subject Areas : Journal of Iranian Social Development Studiesparviz Hajipor 1 , ali faghih habibi 2 , توکل حبیب زاده 3
1 - PhD student in Public Law, South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Law, South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Associate Professor and Faculty Member, Imam Sadegh University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Quasi, judicial authorities, primary and appeal boards, sustainable social development and violation of votes,
Abstract :
The expansion of the scope of government activities, the complexity of administrative and technical affairs and the specialization of many of the tasks of government and public organizations and institutions affiliated with them, the need for speed and accuracy in decision-making and actions of government units and officials are among the reasons for the creation of non-judicial authorities alongside the higher judicial authorities, meaning judicial authorities affiliated with the judiciary. However, in the process of the development of the aforementioned authorities, the distance from the initial legislative goals and significant shortcomings that have resulted in the violation of citizens' rights seem to be significant. The preliminary and appeal boards for the determination of claims of the Social Security Organization are one of the quasi-judicial authorities. In this article, by looking at its structure and legal jurisdiction, the pathology of the decisions issued and the causes of its violations, especially the failure to observe the principles of fair trial, especially the principle of being reasoned and documented by the Administrative Court of Justice, will be considered, and its effective role in the structures of social growth, development and development will be considered.
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