The Impact of Financial Development on the Poverty of Fishermen in the Northern Provinces in Iran (Gilan, Mazandaran and Gulistan) With A Threshold Vector Auto Regression (TVAR)
Subject Areas : Financial EconomicsSayed amin Mansouri 1 , Seyed Morteza Afghah 2 , Seyed Afshin Nateghi Shahrokni 3 , Mahshid Hassanpor 4
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Keywords: Poverty , Financial Development , Economic Growth , Threshold Regression,
Abstract :
Financial development has been the main factor for economic development in different countries, and the causal relationship between financial development and economic development is part of the macroeconomic relations that have been examined many times. Yet studies on fishermen's poverty have rarely been done. Many residents of coastal villages are engaged in fishing activities. Small-scale fishing on various coasts in the north of Iran is an important source of employment, income and nutrition for coastal villages. This characteristics and effects have not been well examined. This study has investigated the poverty of Iranian fishermen in Gilan, Mazandaran and Golestan provinces due to changes in financial development.. The study was based on the Threshold Vector Auto Regression (TVAR), between 2000 to 2020. The research results confirm the existence of a nonlinear relationship between financial development and poverty. A significant relationship between financial development and income distribution was also confirmed on the poverty of northern Iranian fishermen. |
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