Seismicity and zoning of ground acceleration in new city of Hashtgerd
Subject Areas : Geomorphology
ALI Bitollahi
Ghazaleh Razaghian
Fatemeh DehghanFaroji
Negar Soudmand
1 - Department of Engineering and Risk Seismology, Road, Housing and Urban Development Research Center, Tehran, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Geology, Damavand Branch, Islamic Azad University, Damavand, Iran Assistant Professor, Earthquake and Natural Disaster Research Center, Damavand Branch, Islamic Azad University, Damavand, Iran
3 - Department of Engineering and Risk Seismology, Road, Housing and Urban Development Research Center, Tehran
4 - PhD student, Department of Geophysics, Faculty of Basic Sciences, North Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Hashtgerd, seismicity, fault, earthquakes, risk analysis,
Abstract :
The new city of Hashtgerd is located in the west of Alborz province and on the southern slope of the Alborz mountain range on alluvial sediments. The occurrence of earthquakes indicates a high seismicity rate in the region. The main purpose of this study is to pay attention to the fact that the new city of Hashtgerd is a developing city, therefore, paying attention to seismic conditions and seismic parameters will play an important role in the proper expansion and stability of engineering structures during future seismic events. In this study, based on the catalog of earthquakes and the location of active faults as primary data, seismic sources in the region have been identified. In the next step, seismic parameters are determined. Then, based on risk analysis studies, probabilities for the return period of 475 years for the city of Hashtgerd have been prepared using earthquake risk analysis software, ground acceleration zoning maps and uniform risk curves. According to the existing boreholes in the area, the influence of the soil magnification factor on the acceleration has been considered. The earthquake risk analysis in the new city of Hashtgerd possibly indicates a very high acceleration in a wide part of the city. With the influence of the magnification factor on the acceleration of the bedrock, the acceleration rate on the ground surface is estimated to be equal to (0.40 g). The extent of the new city of Hashtgerd has different accelerations and requires different designs for engineering structures in different areas.
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