Pharmacognostic standardization and hepatoprotective effect of the aqueous leaf extract of Lecanoidiscus cupanoides Planch (ex. Benth) in CCL4 induced liver damage in Swiss Albino mice
Subject Areas : Journal of Medicinal Herbs, "J. Med Herb" (Formerly known as Journal of Herbal Drugs or J. Herb Drug)
Ebere Ezeonyi
Erhirhie Earnest
Felix Onyegbule
1 - No 2 presidential layout ifite Awka
2 - Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University, Igbariam, Nigeria;
3 - Department of Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Nnamdi Azikiwe University;
Keywords: Lecanoidiscus cupanoides, standardization, hepatoprotective, aqueous extract,
Abstract :
Background & Aim: Lecaniodiscus cupanioides Planch (ex Benth) is a small, resilient shrub and a tropical plant effective in treating burns, fevers, liver disease, inflammatory conditions, among others. This study was carried out to establish the quality standards according to WHO recommendations and also investigate the hepatoprotective potential of the aqueous leaf extract of Lecanoidiscus cupanoides. Experimental: Swiss albino mice were used in this study to test the hepatoprotective effect against carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicity and to determine the pharmacognostic characteristics of the leaf of the aforementioned plant. Results: According to the physicochemical analysis, the moisture content was 10.5± 0.13, the total ash was 5.00 ± 0.25, the acid insoluble ash was 0.75 ± 0.03, the alcohol soluble extractive was 17.25 ± 0.76, and the water extractive value was 14.25 ± 0.50. The macroscopic examination of the fresh leaves indicated that when dried, the leaves were meaty and leathery. Microscopically, prism-shaped calcium oxalate crystals, starch grains, lignified tissues, wavy epidermal cells, trichomes, xylem, parenchyma cells, anomocytic stomata, and palisade tissue were found. The presence of oxalate crystals, starch grains, lignified tissues, tannins, cellulose, protein, and oil was revealed in chemomicroscopic analysis. Pretreatment with aqueous extract of Lecanoidiscus cupanoides at 200 and 400 mg/kg significantly (P<0.05) protected against CCL4 induced liver toxicity just like the reference standard (silymarin). Recommended applications/industries: This study validates the ethnomedicinal claim of Lecanoidiscus cupanoides against liver disorder. We recommend that well standardized aqueous formulation would be beneficial for the populace as preventive remedy against liver disease.
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