Abstract :
This research was undertaken to investigate the relationship between parents' child rearing approaches and girls' shyness in Noorabad Mamasani city. A use was made of random stage cluster sampling strategy in this survey research to draw a sample of high school students. Using Stanford shyness and parents' conduct instruments data was collected. The reliability of the instruments was established by Cronbach's alpha at α=0.78 and α=0.72 respectively. In order to analyze the data, a use was made of Pearson correlation, t and f tests. The findings of the study indicated that there was a significantly positive relation between parents' rearing approaches, expectations and independence in personal affairs and girls' shyness. There was, also, a significantly negative relation between tender rearing and order of the birth and shyness. The first child and among students of different study orientations (nature science, mathematics and humanities) students of mathematics tended to be shyer. The results of the study carry the implication that, to the extent possible, parents should use more tender rearing approaches and retain independence in their personal affairs
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