Evaluation and recognition of distressed areas for urban regeneration by using fuzzy AHP (Case Study: Sector 12 of Tehran )
Subject Areas :Zahra Alsadat Ardestani 1 , Amirhossein Ebrahimi 2
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of urban planning, University of Kharazmi, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Master Graduate Regional planning, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: GIS, Regeneration, Distressed areas, Fuzzy AHP, Sector 12 of Tehran,
Abstract :
The urban regeneration is a conclusive policy including plans of improving urban builtform qualitatively with the goal of integrating cultural, social and economic. This reasearch aimed at evaluating distressed areas of sector 12 in Tehran and was performed in the form of space- place study and realized through implementation of an analytic model within three steps.The urban regeneration is a conclusive policy including plans of improving urban builtform qualitatively with the goal of integrating cultural, social and economic. This reasearch aimed at evaluating distressed areas of sector 12 in Tehran and was performed in the form of space- place study and realized through implementation of an analytic model within three stepsFirst, concepts, principles and requirements of regeneration were obtained through reviewing records, reference to scientific and reliable resources. Second, the criteria for regeneration were determined regarding an integrated regeneration in studied sector using expert survey. Third, in order to assess the distressed areas status for urban regeneration, Fuzzy AHP and GIS integrated model was used..The urban regeneration is a conclusive policy including plans of improving urban builtform qualitatively with the goal of integrating cultural, social and economic. This reasearch aimed at evaluating distressed areas of sector 12 in Tehran and was performed in the form of space- place study and realized through implementation of an analytic model within three stepsFirst, concepts, principles and requirements of regeneration were obtained through reviewing records, reference to scientific and reliable resources. Second, the criteria for regeneration were determined regarding an integrated regeneration in studied sector using expert survey. Third, in order to assess the distressed areas status for urban regeneration, Fuzzy AHP and GIS integrated model was used. The results indicated that 10.96% of total area is located in a fully desirable part for regeneration followed by other priorities; relatively desirable 15.38%, 31.68% desirable, relatively undesirable 23.28%, fully undesirable 18.7%. It’s required that planners and managers pay much more attention to regeneration of this texture.
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Zhai, B., & Ng, M. K. (2013). Urban regeneration and social capital in China: A case study of the Drum Tower Muslim District in Xi’an. Cities, 35,
- Aminzadeh, B., & Dadras, R. (2013). Cultural Regeneration of Qazvin Historical Texture Based on Urban Tourism. Journal of Iranian Architecture Studies, 1(2), 99-108.
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- Chang, D.-Y. 1992. Extent analysis and synthetic decision. Optimization Techniques and Applications, 1, 352–355.
- Chang, D.Y., 1996. Applications of the extent analysis method on fuzzy AHP. European Journal of Operational Research 95 (3), 649–655.
- Colantonio, A., & Dixon, T. (2011). Urban regeneration and social sustainability: Best practice from European cities. John Wiley & Sons.
- Deakin, M., & Allwinkle, S. (2007). Urban regeneration and sustainable communities: the role of networks, innovation, and creativity in building successful partnerships. Journal of Urban Technology, 14(1), 77-91.
- Degen, M., & García, M. (2012). The transformation of the ‘Barcelona model’: an analysis of culture, urban regeneration and governance. International journal of urban and regional research, 36(5), 1022-1038.
- Güzey, Ö. (2009). Urban regeneration and increased competitive power: Ankara in an era of globalization. Cities, 26(1), 27-37.
- Huang, C.C., Chu, P.Y., Chiang, Y.H., 2008. A fuzzy AHP application in government sponsored Rand project selection. Omega 36 (6), 1038–1052.
- Kahraman, C., Cebeci, U., and Ruan, D. 2004. Multi-attribute comparison of catering service companies using fuzzy AHP: The case of Turkey. International Journal of Production Economics, 87, 171–184.
- Kahraman, C., Ruan, D., and Dogan, _I. 2003. Fuzzy group decision making for facility location selection. Information Sciences, 157, 135–153.
- Kuo, R.J., Chi, S.C., Kao, S.S., 2002. A decision support system for selecting convenience store location through integration of fuzzy AHP and artificial neural network. Computers in Industry 47 (2), 199–214.
- Leary, M. E., & McCarthy, J. (Eds.). (2013). Companion to Urban Regeneration. Routledge.
- Lee, S. K., Mogi, G., Lee, S.K., Hui, K.S., Kim, J. W., 2010. The fuzzy AHP/DEA integrated model approach, international journal of hydrogen energy, 3 5: 2236 – 2246.
- Lombardi, D. R., Porter, L., Barber, A., & Rogers, C. D. (2011). Conceptualising sustainability in UK urban regeneration: a discursive formation. Urban Studies,48(2), 273-296.
- McDonald, S., Malys, N., & Maliene, V. (2009). Urban regeneration for sustainable communities: a case study. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 15(1), 49-59.
- Osei, P. (2009). Managing urban regeneration in Jamaica: The cluster implementation approach and outcomes. Local Government Studies, 35(3), 315-334.
- Pan, N.F., 2008. Fuzzy AHP approach for selecting the suitable bridge construction method. Automation in Construction 17 (8), 958–965.
- Raco, M. (2003). Assessing the discourses and practices of urban regeneration in a growing region. Geoforum, 34(1), 37-55.
- Rafiee, N., & Mahesh, T. M. (2013). Urban Blight in Historical Centre of Shiraz City. Global Journal of Current Research Vol, 1(2), 77-84.
- Roberts, P. 2000. The evolution, definition and purpose،of urban regeneration, in P. Roberts and H. Syke (eds.). Urban Regeneration, A Handbook. British Urban Regeneration Association, SAGE Publications ,London, 9–36.
- Roberts, Peter and Sykes, Hugh (2000) Urban Regeneration, SAGE Publication, London, - UK.
- Rogers, C. D., Lombardi, D. R., Leach, J. M., & Cooper, R. F. (2012). The urban futures methodology applied to urban regeneration. Proceedings of ICE Engineering Sustainability, 165(1), 5-20.
- Sasaki, M. (2010). Urban regeneration through cultural creativity and social inclusion: Rethinking creative city theory through a Japanese case study.Cities, 27, S3-S9.
- Smith, A. (2011). Events and urban regeneration. Routledge, Taylor & Francis.
- Tallon, A. (2013). Urban Regeneration in the UK. Routledge.
- Toledo, L., & Littlewood, J. R. (2013). An (un) attainable Map of Sustainable Urban Regeneration. In Sustainability in Energy and Buildings (pp. 637-648). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
- van Laarhoven, P.J.M., Pedrycz, W., 1983. A fuzzy extension of Saaty’s priority theory, Fuzzy Sets Syst. 11, 229–241.
- Weck, M., Klocke, F., Schell, H., Ruenauver, E., 1997. Evaluating alternative production cycles using the extended fuzzy AHP method. European Journal of Operational Research, 100 (2), 351–366.
- Wilbur, A. C. (2008). Contemporary Image in Urban Blight: Over the Rhine Flatiron Buildings (Doctoral dissertation, University of Cincinnati).
- Winston, N. (2010). Regeneration for sustainable communities? Barriers to implementing sustainable housing in urban areas. Sustainable Development,18(6), 319-330.
- Yang, C.-C., & Chen, B.-S. (2004). Key quality performance evaluation using fuzzy AHP. Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, 21(6), 543–550.
- Yu, C.S., 2002. A GP-AHP method for solving group-decision making AHP problems, Computers and Operations Research, 29 (14), 1969–2001.
Zhai, B., & Ng, M. K. (2013). Urban regeneration and social capital in China: A case study of the Drum Tower Muslim District in Xi’an. Cities, 35,