Role of Urban Management in Groundwater for Urban Rivers (Case Study of Rasht Metropolis)
Subject Areas :ali bagherinia 1 , laya jahanshahlou 2 , seyed shahriari 3
1 - PhD Student in Urban Planning, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: environment, Urban Management, Rasht city, Water infrastructure, Swat-Fuzzy technique,
Abstract :
The massive influx of sewage and waste from human activities has made it one of the world's most polluted rivers. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate the role of urban management in water infrastructure in order to regulate Rasht city rivers. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate the role of urban management in water infrastructure in order to regulate Rasht city rivers. This research is based on the nature of a descriptive-analytical type used to evaluate and rank components of the fuzzy Swat technique which is actually a combination of the Swat table with the network analysis process method and fuzzy theory. Evaluation of the four factors of the Swat model showed that among the strengths, the presence of the Zarjub and Gohroud rivers as the two main natural edges in the range are of high importance. Overall, it is important to highlight the weaknesses of the Gohroud River, Zarjub and Aynak wetlands with environmentally friendly uses. From the set of opportunities studied, the vast natural landscapes (rivers and wetlands) have a unique opportunity to enhance the urban visual beauty. Finally, among the studied threats, water resources pollution and tourism potentials of these resources were of the highest importance due to pollution of water resources. The results of fuzzy Swat fuzzy models showed that weakness and threat strategies were given the highest priority and then the threat strategies, opportunity weaknesses and threat threats gained the next priorities. The results of the research also include policies such as prevention of discharge of municipal, industrial and hospital wastewater and protection against damaging the river marginal environment, regulation and monitoring of the river bed in order to prevent inconsistent land use, protecting the river is by designing a natural green wall with an indigenous ecological axis.
Extended Abstract
The purpose of this study is to investigate the role of urban management in water infrastructure in order to regulate Rasht city rivers. This research is a descriptive-analytic one based on the nature of the fuzzy Swat technique to evaluate and rank components using a combination of the Swat table with the fuzzy network analysis process method and theory. Evaluation of the four factors of the Swat model showed that among the strengths, the presence of the Zarjub and Gohroud rivers as the two main natural edges in the range are of high importance. Overall, it is important to highlight the weaknesses of the Gohroud River, Zarjub and Aynak wetlands with environmentally friendly uses. From the set of opportunities studied, the vast natural landscapes (rivers and wetlands) have a unique opportunity to enhance the urban visual beauty. Finally, among the studied threats, water resources pollution and tourism potentials of these resources were of the highest importance due to pollution of water resources. The results of fuzzy Swat fuzzy models showed that weakness and threat strategies were given the highest priority and then the threat strategies, opportunity weaknesses and threat threats gained the next priorities. The results of the research also include policies such as prevention of discharge of municipal, industrial and hospital wastewater and protection against damaging the river marginal environment, regulation and monitoring of the river bed in order to prevent inconsistent land use, increase visual aesthetics by using From a natural perspective in order to expand tourism, protecting the river is by designing a natural green wall with an indigenous ecological axis.
Today, the concept of sustainable development is widely considered in various scientific fields. In the field of urban planning this concept has been devoted to reducing the negative impact of different commodity production and transportation systems on the environment as well as to optimizing commodity consumption and increasing resource utilization efficiency. A look at the United Nations Sustainable Cities Program suggests that the restoration and proper use of natural resources and infrastructure in the city are essential for sustainable urban development, meaning that cities must achieve their own sustainable environment without damaging their natural environment. Social and economic development. Sustainable urban planning is therefore largely dependent on the renewal of natural infrastructure, and it can be said that it enhances the quality of the urban environment and acts as an essential catalyst for creating fundamental changes in cities. It goes away. The Role of Urban Management in Water Infrastructure and its Impact on Environmental Conservation (eg Surface Water Collection and Prevention of Urban and Hospital Wastewater, etc.) in Guilan Province, with the highest annual rainfall in the province Is more important than other areas. In this context, the present research area is the city of Rasht and the rivers Zarjub and Goharrood. These rivers originate from the low altitude mountains of Thousand Borders, Spear Head, Jokulbandan and Kacha about 4 kilometers south of Rasht and after crossing the city they form Pirabazar River. And they enter from the eastern part of Anzali Wetland. In fact, these rivers are the main sources of water supply in the Anzali Wetland. Other features of these rivers are passing through the middle of the city and having a direct impact on the urban landscape. Therefore, the organization and management of these rivers from physical, functional and environmental aspects is essential. According to the present paper, this paper assesses the role of urban management in environmental protection and prioritizes effective criteria and sub-criteria for water infrastructure protection in Rasht city using fuzzy Swat technique.
The current research is an applied one and its method is descriptive-analytical. Extensive library studies have also been used to explain the literature and history of the research subject. It is worth mentioning that in the present article ، the SWAT table framework has been formulated according to the purpose of the study and has been used to identify the strengths ، weaknesses ، opportunities and threats of the area information and documentary studies. In the analytical section, we survey the attitudes and thoughts of people living in each neighborhood regarding their quality of life using a questionnaire. And the information collected is analyzed using SWOT-FANP technique. Indicators or instruments of hypothesis form the status of Rasht city rivers, the first of which are measured at the ordinal level and the other at the nominal level. Content validity is obvious according to the type of research that is the hypothesis test and the selection of indicators based on the validated theories; however, to evaluate the construct or structure validity, the Swat table has been calculated. Reliability was also calculated using fuzzy method and network analysis method.
Results and discussion
In the first phase, matrices of opportunity, weakness, strength and threat are formed to achieve the most important priorities in the organization of the rivers in the area. Also, after an overview of the urban area, the strategies developed with regard to identifying the factors are extracted in this table. Of the strengths, the presence of the Zarjub and Gohroud rivers as the two main natural edges in the final weight range is 0.8 most important in formulating strategies. Other important factors in the Strength Factor group are the migration of migratory birds due to air and winter balance, appropriate climate and pristine nature of these localities (0.6) and aquatic diversity in the river (0.2), respectively. The final weight of strength factors was estimated to be 0.31. Overall, the weaknesses studied in the study, the most important is the exposure of Gohroudrood, Zarjub and Aynak wetlands with environmentally friendly land uses with a final weight of 0.6. Among the weaknesses of pollution and odor factors of this river (0.45) and overflow of leachate and waste into the Zarjub River due to unsanitary landfill (0.32) are more important. The final weight of weaknesses is 0.47. Of all the opportunities studied, natural landscapes (rivers and wetlands) have a unique opportunity to enhance the visual beauty of the city with a final weight of 0.6. It is also possible to implement the factors of Ruby Layers design and topical and thematic schemes regarding the organization, protection of riverbeds and privacy (0.2) and conversion of Zarrub and Gohroud rivers as the most important ecological axes in the city (16). / 0) noted. The final weight of opportunities was estimated to be 0.19. Finally, among the threats under study, water resources pollution and tourism potentials of these resources are the most important factors due to pollution of water resources with 0.6 weight. Disrupting the balance between human and nature is second to 0.48 in terms of inefficient urban management and third in the likelihood of space being defenseless and the spread of delinquency due to lack of organization of the abandoned spaces on the edge of the Zarjub River at 0.32. . The final weight of threats is 0.21.
In the present study, four strategies were identified as the most important factors affecting the regulation of Rasht city rivers, and then they were prioritized by Swat table and fuzzy technique. As a result, the first priority is to prevent the discharge of different types of sewage into the river. Considering that one of the major problems of Rasht city is its poor condition in terms of industrial, municipal, hospital and domestic wastewater and in addition protection of river margin against degradation is important. The second priority is the regulation and monitoring of the riverbeds to prevent the creation of incompatible land uses that prevent the disruption of the landscape. The third priority in this regard is the promotion of tourism, which is done through the improvement and renovation of the urban landscape. The last priority is to protect the rivers' privacy by designing a natural green wall with a native ecological axis
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