How to use urban spaces in informal settlements case Study: East Side of Chamran Highway of Tehran (Between Pole-e-Mulla Sadra & Pol-e-Modiriat)
Subject Areas :Mitra Habibi 1 , Niloofar Gerami 2
1 - Faculty of Tehran University of Art, Department of Architecture and Urban Planning
2 - M.A. of urban planning at Art University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: "Informal settlements", "Urban space", "Use of urban space", "Social protection system", "East Side of Chamran Highway- between Pole-e-Mulla Sadra and Pol-e-Modiriat",
Abstract :
Urban spaces have different physical, social, economic and cultural desires as the basis of life and social interactions and the place of doing essential, optional and social activities. These urban spaces in informal settlements as the living place of low-income groups, regardless of the low quality, are the place of doing all kinds of urban activities.
In this research, we have tried to find out how to carry out essential, selective and social activities in urban spaces of informal settlements with descriptive-explanatory goals and quantitative-qualitative methods. This route was started according to Morgan's sampling table and 201 place check distribution questionnaires, whose criteria were extracted from the theoretical bases related to the subject, and started by random sampling method and analyzed by factor analysis method and SPSS software.
The findings show that the use of urban space in informal settlements, due to strong social protection systems, is a social necessity for survival, in such a way that residents do many of their necessary activities in the urban space of the neighborhood. It’s because of the restrictions of the homes and also a desire to establish social interactions. Selective activities are usually done in groups and social activities in this space are in a high level, due to the willingness to engage in social interactions. High social activities as the output of essential and selective activities indicates the proper functioning of the essential and selective activities and the existence of strong social support systems among the residents.
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