Identification of Predictive Indicators of Marital Distress in Youth Based on Young Distressed Couples' Experiences of Married Life
Subject Areas : Sociological Studies of Youth
Seyedeh Maryam Fatemi
Mohhamad Masoud Dayarian
Seyed Esmail Mosavi
1 - PhD Student in Counseling,Department of Counseling, Khomeinishahr Branch, Islamic Azad University.Komeinishar/Isfehan,Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Counseling, Khomeinishahr Branch, Islamic Azad University.Komeinishar/Isfehan,Iran
3 - گروه مشاوره-دانشکده علوم انسانی-دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی -خمینی شهر-ایران
Keywords: Marital burnout, Young people, Couples, Lived experience, Qualitative research, Phenomenology.,
Abstract :
The aim of the present study was to discover predictive indicators of marital dissatisfaction among young people based on the lived experiences of young couples. The research method was qualitative with an applied objective and exploratory nature. Participants included: 1)Young couples referred to counseling centers in Isfahan, selected purposively (snowball sampling) based on entry criteria, and 2) All relevant written sources on the topic of marital dissatisfaction. Data saturation was reached with 21 interviews and 6 scientific sources. Data were analyzed using the phenomenological approach based on Colaizzi's method with the MAXQDA software. In the first coding stage, 1114 basic indicators were extracted from interview texts and scientific sources. In the second stage, 23 sub- indicators and in the third stage, 7 main indicators were identified. Data validation was done through feedback from participants, independent coders, and expert group (5 specialists) to ensure data accuracy and reliability criteria were met. The results showed that the accumulation of emotions, cognitive errors, automatic thoughts, psychological factors, emotional and mental turmoil in relationships, and life stress lead to mental exhaustion and eventually marital dissatisfaction. Therefore, identifying and paying attention to predictive factors of marital dissatisfaction guides young couples who are at the beginning of the road towards finding effective solutions and preventing this phenomenon from occurring. Therefore, it is suggested that these indicators be used in developing counseling protocols in couple therapy.
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