Synthesis of white-collar crime factors in Iran and Norway with a look at international documents
Subject Areas :
Maryam Kamaei
Salameh Abolhasani
zahra ansarifar
darioush Kalantari
1 - PhD student, Department of Criminal Law and Criminology, Khuzestan Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran.
2 - Department of Criminal Law and Criminology, North Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, North Tehran, Iran
3 - Department of Law, Khorramabad Branch, Khorramabad Islamic Azad University, Iran
4 - Department of Law, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran
Keywords: White collar crime, gender, hybridity, Delphi,
Abstract :
Purpose: According to Sutherland's definition, white-collar crime is a crime that is committed by "respected and high-ranking" people. Studies clearly show that women are under-represented in official statistics related to certain types of organizational white-collar crime. Despite this, what exactly causes such a pattern is worthy of reflection and interpretation. This article aims to analyze the role of gender in committing white collar crimes in Iran and Norway.
Method: The research method used in this article is a mixed (combined) exploratory research method with meta-composite and Delphi approaches. Library method was used to collect data. The study population of the research includes all the articles related to the research topic. In order to carry out the research, after designing the research questions, a systematic search was conducted based on relevant keywords from the Google scholar, Scopus, SID, IRANDOC, etc. databases between 1390 and early 1402.
Findings: The findings show that the number of initially extracted codes were 538 codes, which were converted into 241 codes in the next stage and 38 sub-codes in the secondary (central) coding stage, which were converted into 6 codes in the selective coding stage. became the main
Conclusion: The results of this research indicate that 6 main categories or themes were extracted for white collar crimes, which are: 1. individual dimension with twelve components; 2. social dimension with four components; 3. economic dimension with two components; 4. organizational dimension with eight components; 5. Political dimension with three components and 6. Laws and regulations dimension with three components
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