Failure Mechanism Analysis of the Steel Beam to Reinforced Concrete Column Connection with through-plate and Buckling-Restrained Steel Plates
Subject Areas : Analysis of Structure and Earthquake
Omid Parvizi
Ahmad maleki
mohammadali lotfollahi yaghin
1 - Maragheh Branch, Islamic Azad University
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Keywords: Steel beam to reinforced concrete column connection, Buckling-restrained steel plates, Parametric studies, Numerical simulation, Improvement of structural performance.,
Abstract :
This research investigates the behavior and failure mechanisms of steel beam connections to reinforced concrete columns using Buckling-Restrained Steel Plates (BRSP). These connections, as one of the most critical components of composite steel and concrete structures, play a vital role in force transfer and resistance to various loads, particularly dynamic loads such as earthquakes. The primary objective of this study is to analyze and enhance the performance of these types of connections under cyclic loading using numerical analyses. In this research, various parametric models were used to examine the impact of BRSP thickness on the hysteresis behavior and load-bearing capacity of the connections. Different BRSP thicknesses ranging from 5 to 25 mm were considered, and their effects on stress distribution and failure mechanisms were analyzed. The results of the parametric studies indicate that increasing the BRSP thickness improves stress distribution in the joint area of the concrete column and the beam-to-column connection. This improvement includes reducing stress concentration and increasing stress distribution uniformity, which can lead to a reduction in local failures and an overall increase in connection stability. In numerical simulation models, the use of BRSPs has created wider and more stable hysteresis loops, indicating increased energy absorption capacity and improved deformation behavior of the connections under cyclic loading. Failure modes were also comprehensively examined in this study. The results show that BRSPs can reduce the concentration of failures, increase bending resistance, and prevent buckling in steel beams. These findings highlight the importance of using BRSPs in enhancing structural performance and reducing potential failures under severe loading conditions. These results can serve as a foundation for further research in improving structural connections and developing innovative techniques to enhance the stability and durability of structures. Additionally, the findings of this research can serve as a guide for engineers in designing and implementing earthquake-resistant structures.
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