Environmental Effects of the Minab Fault Activity and Teengesctonic Chall
Subject Areas :
Abstract :
Based on the research results and tectonic indicators, the region is in an average tectonic state. One of the threatening factors in the region is the effect of the Minab fault on the rise of the region, which increases the slope of the region in the northern parts. This, in turn, causes an increase in water flow and flooding of rivers in the downstream areas and causes slope instability and landslides in the region. The purpose of this research is to provide valuable insights about the influence of the geological structures of the region on the future geological and environmental challenges. By calculating morphotectonic parameters and morphometric indices in order to estimate the tectonic risks of Minab fault, its role on geological-environmental risks has been discussed. Based on this, the effect of the Minab fault on the rise of the region can increase the slope of the region in the northern parts and lead to an increase in water flow and river flooding in the downstream areas. This can cause slope instability and landslides in the region. In terms of tectonic risks, the existence of the Minab fault and its related tectonic activity can lead to various tectonic risks, including earthquakes. As a result, while the Minab fault and related tectonic activities can create significant environmental challenges, with proper planning and understanding of tectonic conditions, these challenges can be reduced and lead to sustainable development. The area helped.
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