Planting Seeds of Understanding: Nurturing Listening Comprehension through Formative Assessment and AI-Powered Feedback
Subject Areas : Journal of Applied Linguistics Studies
Mohamad Ali Saeedirad
Masoud Khalili Sabet
1 - university of Guilan
2 - Department of Foreign Languages, University of Guilan, Raht, Iran
Keywords: Keywords: formative assessment, listening skill, AI-Powered Feedback, Summative assessment ,
Abstract :
Abstract This study investigates the effectiveness of AI-powered formative assessments, specifically using ChatGPT, to enhance listening comprehension among intermediate English learners. Sixty participants from a language institute in Rasht, Iran, were randomly assigned to either an experimental group, which received AI-driven assessments integrated with continuous, personalized feedback, or a control group that underwent traditional summative assessments. Both groups engaged with identical instructional content over a 12-week period, with the key difference being the assessment methods used. The results revealed that the experimental group significantly outperformed the control group in both immediate and delayed post-tests, underscoring the benefits of AI-driven feedback on improving short-term performance and fostering long-term retention. Additionally, participants in the experimental group reported higher levels of engagement, self-confidence, and autonomy, which they attributed to the interactive and adaptive nature of the AI feedback. Despite the promising outcomes, the study acknowledges challenges, including varying levels of user proficiency with AI tools and the limitations of AI in replicating human emotional intelligence. The findings suggest that AI tools like ChatGPT can be valuable complements to traditional teaching methods, and they highlight the need for further research into the broader application of AI-driven formative assessments across different language skills and educational contexts.
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