Presenting the design pattern of residential towers based on climatic criteria With the approach of sustainable management of energy consumption and environmental protection (Case example: District 22 of Tehran)
Subject Areas : Sustainable ArchitectureLaleh Seyed hasani pilehroud 1 , Afshin Ghorbani Param 2
1 - Master's student, Islamic Azad University, Damavand Branch, Damavand, Iran
2 - , Assistant Professor of Architecture, Islamic Azad University, Damavand Branch, Iran
Keywords: residential towerٰ, Sustainable management, energy, Environment, District 22 of Tehran,
Abstract :
Housing is one of the most important models and approaches in the direction of sustainable management and environmental protection, because today, with industrial development, it has a major impact on urban-environmental, climatic and geographical planning. Among these, we can talk about the emergence of tall buildings, climate change, and environmental damage. The root of the issues and problems of recent decades is population growth - increase in migration to cities and towns - change in the needs and desires of city dwellers, etc. which causes city managers and architects to face great challenges. The main purpose of this article is to analyze the use of residential towers on the one hand and the ideas mentioned in the theoretical group on the other hand in the way of sustainable development and the impact of environmental protection on geography. In this regard, the use of housing is one of the most important models and approaches in the direction of sustainable management and environmental protection. Photovoltaic panels can help a lot in reducing energy consumption and reducing the harmful environmental effects of buildings. The research method of this research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of type and using library resources. And also the use of modeling in software, information and case examples to be collected. In the software, by entering the weather data of Tehran city, we were able to obtain various parameters such as temperature, relative humidity, precipitation, wind, total radiation, psychometric chart and comfort level. Then all these data were displayed in the form of graphic charts and finally, after the analysis of the software according to the zones, the amount of energy consumption was also calculated and displayed in color tables. In addition, by choosing the appropriate site in the 22nd district of Tehran according to the characteristics Geographical changes and new urban developments have a high potential for using new technologies such as photovoltaics. With the aim of providing part of the building's needs, this method not only helps to preserve the environment but can be used as a model for other similar projects across the country. The research results indicate that buildings with a sustainable management approach are effective in reducing energy consumption.
Extended Abstract
Housing, as a human living environment, has a direct impact on other aspects of life and can affect the quality of life, social behavior, and cultural interactions of individuals. Ultimately, the design and provision of housing should be such that it considers the social, economic, and cultural needs of residents and provides a desirable and efficient environment for living. Housing is one of the fundamental pillars of human life and is directly related to the health and quality of life of individuals. In today's world, with the advancement of technology and especially in urbanization, which has distanced humans from nature and has not sufficiently satisfied the comfort and tranquility of humans, we are facing new challenges in this area.Undoubtedly, architecture in the field of construction and the building industry has profound effects on the environment, economy, and public health. In this regard, and in line with the growth of biological communities and all-round developments, huge developments have occurred in architectural activities and various fields.
One of the common and important issues in the field of urban development, environment and modernity is the construction of large towers, which has various reasons such as population growth, migration, changing human needs, etc. These towers have attracted attention due to their structural and functional advantages.
His research is based on a descriptive-analytical basis in nature and is considered an applied research in terms of purpose, and given that this research also seeks to examine the design of a residential tower based on climate criteria with a sustainable management approach to energy consumption and environmental protection, it is valuable in its own way and its results are also practical. In the first step, an attempt was made to collect materials in the form of a library. With the expansion of various research fields, the need for reliable observations and information about tower construction and solar energy was felt. To achieve the results of this research and for the existing energy situation, (Energy Simulation Modeling) was used in Grasshopper software, which is used to simulate and analyze energy consumption and improve system performance. In order to collect data, an attempt has been made to achieve the desired goal by studying and analyzing the architectural aspects of residential towers related to clean energy using Rhino, Grasshopper, Galapagos, and plan and volume design software.
Results and discussion
Comparison of the amount of energy required for annual heating by month and zone in 2
Comparison of the amount of energy required for cooling by month and zone in 2 modes: (1- in normal mode 2- in PV mode)As presented and reviewed in Table (3) and Chart (2), the amount of cooling energy consumption in normal mode is 24.69044629 Kwh per M2, we have an energy consumption of 24.69044629 Kwh. If we use PV, we have an energy consumption of 16.29569455 Kwh per M2.
Comparison of the total energy requirement of the building in 2 cases:
1- In normal mode, 2- In PV
As shown in Table 4, the energy consumption in the initial state is 67.34 Kwh. If photovoltaics are used on the facade, we have an energy consumption of 44.54 Kwh per m2, in other words, we have an energy saving of 22 Kwh or 33.85 percent.
The results and findings of the research show that according to the modified system and the requirements of the tower, use the system with less energy consumption. Priority is more important, in general, many factors play a role in choosing the type of facility systems of a complex. It should be evaluated by professional engineers with environmental conditions, initial cost, existing equipment and the needs of each project, it is necessary to choose the most appropriate one. Therefore, according to the factors and needs examined, it was multi-functional, depending on the needs of different buildings, the best solution for each situation is to use an integrated system. For example, in some spaces such as the pool, a central engine room is used to produce heat as well as a floor heating system. Chillers are used for cooling in the pool area or in some other spaces of the complex. Also, heat and cold distribution and exchange systems, systems that have low temperatures and have also been tested if energy efficiency is good, are used as the preferred system. Therefore, for heat transfer, the best option can be considered a floor heating system or a ceiling cooling system. The information provided is known as a low-cost system that may be more useful than other utility systems. And have good skills.
On the other hand, adding a clean energy system and using a photovoltaic system. The use of high-efficiency gallium arsenide panels significantly reduces the amount of energy required and the cost of these buildings. Finally, the design of this residential tower with solar panels can be used as a model for designing sustainable and environmentally friendly buildings in hot and dry climates. Paying attention to critical and semi-critical criteria can lead to environmental protection and sustainability and improving the quality of life of residents in this city.
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