واکاوی دیدگاه سهروردی در باب مسئله اصالت وجود یا ماهیت
Subject Areas : Intellectual explorations
somayeh monfared
saeed sheikhmoradi
mehdi malekshahi
1 - Department of Islamic Philosophy and Theology, Faculty of Theology and Islamic Studies, Ilam University, Ilam
2 - Department of Islamic Philosophy and Theology, Faculty of Theology and Islamic Studies, Ilam University, Ilam, Iran
3 - Department of Islamic Philosophy and Theology, Faculty of Theology and Islamic Studies, Ilam University, Ilam, Iran
Keywords: Contingency of Existence, Light, Nominal Meaning, Primacy of Essence, Primacy of Existence, Verbal Meaning,
Abstract :
According to the prevalent view, Suhrawardi is believed to advocate for the primacy of essence. Although this issue is not addressed in his works under the explicit title of the debate on the primacy or contingency of existence and essence in the same way it was later discussed by Mulla Sadra and his successors, Suhrawardi's thought still reflects concepts related to this debate, which can be traced in his significant works. This paper attempts to reassess Suhrawardi's views based on his prior awareness of the contingency of existence in the thoughts of earlier philosophers, as well as the necessary subsequent implications of defending the primacy of essence in shaping the belief in the contingency of existence and its consequences. The aim is to evaluate Suhrawardi's views and clarify the true meaning of this inclination, considering the definitions found in his writings and the words of notable figures like Mulla Sadra. In conclusion, the article explores the real roots of his dispute with the proponents of the primacy of existence, emphasizing the differences in the intellectual and terminological frameworks of Illuminationist philosophy and Peripatetic philosophy. Additionally, it highlights the lack of attention to the distinction between the "verbal meaning" and "nominal meaning" of existence as a key to resolving the issue.
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