Examining persuasive parables in the Masnavi of Taghdis Mulla Ahmad Naraghi
Subject Areas : Research Allegory in Persian Language and Literature
roghayeh noormohammadi
yousef siahpour
1 - Secretary of literature
2 - employee
Keywords: Persuasive allegory, Taghdis Masnavi, Mulla Ahmad Naraghi,
Abstract :
There are poets who, in addition to using allegory and its known types, use another type of allegory called persuasive allegory to convince and satisfy the audience about what they say. More familiarity with persuasive allegory as a method to develop meanings created the necessity that the present study is written with the aim of examining persuasive allegory in the Masnavi of Taghdis Mullah Ahmad Naraghi. In this type of allegory, which is very short and limited to a few verses, the poet often tells a clear and obvious example in the middle of his stories in order to please his audience. This type of allegory is more considered as a subset of reasoning and one of the ways of developing meanings. Since no research has been written in this regard so far and it is a completely new work, the author sought to carry out the present research with a descriptive-analytical method and like other research works in the field of humanities in a library form and using tools such as vouchers and sampling. Use authentic books and articles. In this research, evidences and examples of persuasive parables in Masnavi Taghdis were extracted and analyzed. For this purpose, the parable of persuasion was first introduced and explained, then the examples in Taghdis' Masnavi were analyzed. At the end, conclusions are drawn
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