Explaining the prefab interpolation model in the construction of historic context housing
Subject Areas : architecture
Tayebeh Heydari
Ahmad Mirza kouchk khoshnevis
haleh hoseynpour
Hadiseh Kamran Kasmaei
1 - Department of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, Campus Branch Free University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Buildings and Structures, Cultural Heritage Research Institute, Tehran. Iran
3 - Garh Shahrsazi, member of the academic staff of Islamic Azad University, Pardis branch, Tehran, Iran.
4 - Department of Architecture, Pardis Branch, Islamic Azad University, Pardis, Iran
Keywords: Compatibility, intermediate architecture, cheap architecture, historical context,
Abstract :
Many of Iran's historical structures have been caught in construction with modern methods and out of the architectural standards of Iranian identity.The aim of the present research was to investigate the concept of the principle of "compatibility" of advanced construction in compiling the principles of suitable housing design in historical contexts.The research method is descriptive.The statistical population is the heads of households living in 9 urban areas of the historical context of Yazd, and 384 people were selected based on Morgan's table. According to the results, 18.6% of the respondents were women and 81.4% were men;Most of them were between 30 and 40 years old (44.3%) and most of them (46.8%) had a bachelor's degree.The effective factors in the favorable and appropriate development of prefab additions in the construction of historic buildings were categorized into three factors: beauty,cost and speed.The average obtained for the speed factor was3.45,the cost factor was3.32and the beauty factor was 3.49.
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