Application of Meta combination technique in ecosystem strategy of platform businesses in tourism industry
Subject Areas : Tourism management
bahareh azaranfar
safieh mehrinejad
ahmadreza kasraei
1 -
2 - management،management،azad university،central branch ,tehran ,iran
3 - industrial management،management،azad university،central branch ,tehran ,iral
Keywords: platform strategy, platform business ecosystem, tourism industry,
Abstract :
Background and purpose: The point of view of the platform business ecosystem is a turning point for research in the tourism sector as a whole, and in tourism destinations in particular. Research method: the researcher has analyzed the results and findings of previous researchers by applying a systematic and meta-combination approach and by performing the 7 steps of the Sandelovski and Barroso method, he has identified the effective factors. Among 580 articles, 79 articles were selected based on the CASP method, and the validity of the analysis was confirmed with the Kappa coefficient value of 0.798. In this context, in order to measure reliability and quality control, the transcription method was used, and its value was identified for the indicators identified at the level of excellent agreement. The results of data analysis collected in MAXQDA software led to the identification of 63 primary codes in 8 categories. Findings: Based on the Meta composition technique, 8 categories were also categorized based on these concepts. 8 categories are: strategic actions of platform businesses, culture of platform businesses, transformation infrastructure of digital platform businesses, global digital platform businesses, transformation of platform businesses, digital knowledge management, digital investment and brand management. Based on platform business innovation. Conclusion: By creating diverse and integrated ecosystems, tourism platforms have been able to provide a rich and personalized experience for travelers. These ecosystems create added value for users by providing various services including hotel reservations, plane tickets, local guides and unique experiences. The use of big data and artificial intelligence enables accurate analysis of users' needs and preferences and helps to continuously improve services.
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